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Wow… this can’t possibly be how you write tests in Golang?!

Code: https://hastebin.com/share/puciyelayi.go

This is just insane, the ceremony is twice the length of the actual testing code. I seriously hope this is not representative of the language as a whole.

In Java I get the outcome with the Annotation @ParameterizedTest.

> this can’t possibly be how you write tests in Golang?!

Only for very simple functions like in the example. Most of the time it’s much worse.

The "ceremony" is just the for loop and the t.Run( ... ) call. Everything else you'd need to do in Java too.

Decidedly no. Unless you don’t know how to use JUnit. See my example below.

So where does the testSplitArguments method come from?

Can you write up the Java version too? I don't think it would be significantly more terse.

Maybe you'd lose the:

    for name, tc := range tests {
    t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
But gain:


Spock is the most readable framework for testing java IMO, their data driven testing is great, but it might not be a fair comparison because it's written with groovy:

  def 'split #input with sep #sep should return #expected'() {
    Split(input, sep) == expected

    testCase      | input   | sep || expected
    "simple"      | "a/b/c" | "/" || ['a', 'b', 'c']
    "wrong sep"   | "a/b/c" | "," || ['a/b/c']
    "no sep"      | "abc"   | "/" || ['abc']
    "trailing sep"| "a/b/c/"| "/" || ['a', 'b', 'c']

Alright, it's not quite as concise as I remember because you can't use arrays in a CSVSource. But I still argue that it is a vast improvement. You have your data + test condition and almost nothing on top.

Code: https://pastebin.com/14hLe6Fz

And now all of the horribleness of requiring a struct definition + defining the data inside your method + for loop is gone. The intend is clear and based upon your liking you can move the test data into a separate class, at the end of the file or next to the test case.

PS: I just realized you can't edit your post after 1+ hours have passed!


Will do once I’m back from work, ~ 3h

I was getting the same feeling.

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