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> I'm neck deep in this ChatGPT stuff right now and build 1-2 apps a week, so a bit biased.

As someone who never worked on a project that wasn't at least a couple months long, I'm curious about the kind of apps that can be built in half a week. Do you have links to share?

> As someone who never worked on a project that wasn't at least a couple months long, I'm curious about the kind of apps that can be built in half a week. Do you have links to share?

The last one was a prototype for an internal SEO improvement tool, which will (hopefully) be used by a marketing agency to more effectively manage client sites. Think: fixing alt attributes, links, meta tags etc. App is too big of a word for that. But it might turn into a Shopify/Wordpress plugin someday. Also built a Telegram bot for my parents last week which helps with various day-to-day tasks (they're elderly and live in a foreign country).

Having said that, here are two crappy technology demonstrators I built in the last 4 days with tools I have not been familiar with a week before (flask + mongodb):

- Candidly, an behavioural/technical interview question generator: https://candidly.romanabashin.com/

- Memoir, a personal pet project for memoir writing: https://memoir.romanabashin.com/

(Please don't murder me, I know it's utter crap in the grand scheme of things — they're mostly there to demonstrate an approach to solve a specific problem.)

Why this has been an absolute rocket ship in terms of learning: I use ChatGPT to extremely quickly generate boilerplate code and debug things in languages I'm not familiar with. (e.g. "What does WSGI want from me agin?")

The benefit, at least for me, is: You are learning while doing a (more or less) useful hands-on project instead of answering crappy disjunct multiple choice questions for some artificial test.

And ChatGPT is my hyperindividualised pair programmer & slightly amnesic teacher.

> - Memoir, a personal pet project for memoir writing

Nice, I wrote something very similar using local models. Instead of 15 questions, I opted for a dynamic interview loop.

YES!!! I've been experimenting with that on my local machine... As the Q&A repo grows larger, it's sometimes scarily good, sometimes utterly horrendous.

Is it expected that the questions will not be in English?

> Erzähl mir von einem Mal, als du ein schwieriges Netzwerkproblem gelöst hast: Wie bist du vorgegangen?

Oops, sorry, haha... The beauty & elegance of barely functioning product demos.

Totally forgot I jerry-rigged it to output German stuff only... A buddy showed it to a local company.

Thanks for trying, though, I really appreciate you took the time to click through that mess <3

Generating interview questions quiz is nice!

I'm also very curious to know

TL;DR: Really crappy stuff to throw shit at the wall in technologies you're an absolute dunce in. :)

That's how you learn!

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