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> Ukraine is currently the only country that can defeat Russia.

No, they’ve demonstrably shown they can not. No wonder weapons would have changed the outcome.

The travesty was the wests meddling in Ukraine politics and having them antagonize Russia for years leading up to the civil war and invasion. Proper diplomacy would have saved hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives.

Pretending the military always knows the right thing to do would have led to MacArthur nuking Korea.

It was proper democracy that antagonised Russia. People in Ukraine keep voting the wrong way as far as Putin is concerned.

Unfortunately, it's a widespread misconception that countries "antagonize" Russia, and even worse that this is somehow a "civil" war.

Make no mistake, Russia is the aggressor here. And they've done a really good job with the misinformation campaign.

There is no diplomacy with Russia, only a show of overwhelming force. Period.

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