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You show me your Ruby and I reply with my Perl:


Last updated in 2004, just needs a touch of polish and she will be as good as new.

Behold it in all its glory: https://perlwm.sourceforge.net/shots.html

Using Emacs to write Perl to configure your WM... Why not cut out the middle man, and https://github.com/ch11ng/exwm

I hope it's deliberate that the screenshots link goes to creating a new page https://github.com/ch11ng/exwm/wiki/Screenshots

I suspect full screen Emacs in gnome, while not brilliantly efficient, is close enough to this project that I may as well stick with the mostly inert gnome layer

And because it's Perl I bet it runs pefectly on Perl interpreters shipped on OSes today.

> And because it's Perl I bet it runs pefectly on Perl interpreters shipped on OSes today.

That's a superpower (software that will not bitrot): last month for a new project, I hesitated between C and perl but chose perl.

Why exactly does perl not rot?

The maintainers are conservative about breaking changes. Almost all features are hidden behind “use” statements: for example, “use feature "bitwise"” splits the questionable & operators into & for numbers and &. for bitstrings. But old code will work exactly the same.

There are a few deprecations and things which have been removed from the language…like idioms that relied on interpreter bugs and have been obsolete for 20 years.

But if you run a Perl script without use strict, use warnings, or new command line flags, you’ll get a Perl experience largely unchanged since the turn of the century.

That’s my understanding anyways…

because it is a dead language.

Not dead, as in no one uses it, but dead as in it has stopped living and no longer moves around.

In the same way that sanskrit or latin, languages known by millions of people, are dead languages.

And finally a bit of snark. python2 also has the neat property that it does not rot.

Unlike Perl, Python2 does not get any new bug fixes or features.

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