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Whatever platform/engine(s) you end up trying, you both might enjoy looking through the game assets that Kenney shares with the world for free:

* https://kenney.nl/assets

* https://kenney.nl/starter-kits

The asset range includes 2D & 3D and in a variety of graphical fidelity/style from 1-bit to low-poly--including sets which are designed to work together.

The "Starter Kits" are a more recent development which aim to get you something working out of the box with Godot which you can then customise: https://github.com/KenneyNL/Starter-Kit-3D-Platformer

I'm pretty sure you'll find both cars and zombies to start with... :)

(Another person who shares high-quality free assets worth checking out is Kay Lousberg: https://kaylousberg.itch.io )

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