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That is if the AI fully replaces the need for a skill. What happens if it mostly replaces it, enough so the skill atrophies, but not enough that the user never needs the skill?

Good point. That sounds like a temporary product problem, like a level 2-3 self-driving car, which still needs you to pay attention.

I think you also need to consider whether you can afford not to have the skill; what would happen if the AI were taken away, or malfunctioned? Airplane pilots are an example of this. In that case you simply have to learn the skill as if the AI will not be there.

> That sounds like a temporary product problem

The jury is still out on how "temporary" of a problem that will be. Improvements have been made but nobody really knows how to get an LLM, for example, to just say "I don't know".

And this is before people start poisoning the well. Google search worked better in a world without Google search. I suspect many AI systems will run into similar issues.

> Google search worked better in a world without Google search.

Oooh, I really like that. Very succinct and topical statement of Goodhart's Law.

Oh, you mean like self-driving cars?

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