> I believe the hardest part of using spaced repetition to learn programming is creating good decks, it's a ton of work.
Agreed. To have always been disappointed with the programming decks I have created.
> About open sourcing the web app, I might do it. It's a Django app, and I've published some videos while coding it
I saw the videos, thanks. I think a generic platform would have value, even if there was a paid option with more features (payments etc.)
Anyway, I can sign you up manually if you wish.
Anyways, thanks for the project, it looks nice - I'll be happy to grab the decks when they're ready :)
> I believe the hardest part of using spaced repetition to learn programming is creating good decks, it's a ton of work.
Agreed. To have always been disappointed with the programming decks I have created.
> About open sourcing the web app, I might do it. It's a Django app, and I've published some videos while coding it
I saw the videos, thanks. I think a generic platform would have value, even if there was a paid option with more features (payments etc.)