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For Cloudflare specifically, it makes sense. Why they even have a sales team is beyond me.

Everything we need is available by dashboard and API. When we need to add a zone, or upgrade a zone, or buy more load balancers, or upgrade TLS on a zone, or literally anything that could be counted as a new "sale", we can do it ourselves. We ignore their "we noticed you may benefit from Enterprise, call us today!" spam, we never have spoken to a human there, and everything just works.

It's not surprising she had no sales. A salesdrone at Cloudflare is like an ice vendor in Antarctica.

> We ignore their "we noticed you may benefit from Enterprise, call us today!" spam

Of course if you ignore their offers to talk with the sales team, you won't talk to them. Bigger companies than yours will be interested in their enterprise package and/or will want to negotiate volume discounts.

Once a company reaches a certain size, all products used like Cloudflare go through a sales process to negotiate terms, SLA, compliance etc.

And somehow they have 1500 people in sales... One wonders...

It’s fairly obvious you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to sales or business. Maybe offer your opinion with a bit less confidence.

I'm running a reasonably successful business just fine, thank you.

But salespeople are useless intermediaries when everything you need to do is supplied perfectly fine by the platform's dashboard or API. "Call for pricing" is an antipattern, "Call to negotiate our Enterprise tier" is an antipattern.

> Maybe offer your opinion with a bit less confidence

I'll offer this opinion with 100% confidence: Sales is a make-work program for people whose only skill in life is running their mouth.

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