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> Used at most companies with performance evaluations.

I suspect this is not true. Evals are far more common that stacking.

Btw when you do do this, 4 pretty much never works, and generate a political layer around it.

Perversely, at the group level it raises the value of lower performers, mostly as "chips".

[at a FAANG] Just the other day my director chastised his directs for "letting low performers leave without getting fired," which is something I had yet to hear get broadcasted to a full room of people. The company's leaders would rather get credit for a URA target than do what's best for the company (in this case, not paying out severance). Tech is so polluted with this kind of thinking that I really can't wait to leave it.

After surviving what feels like a dozen rounds of layoffs over the past year, morale is already non-existent. You can go weeks and sometimes months without even hearing a peep from the people you once thought were the brightest and hardest working. The whole thing just feels in need of a reboot. Is this consistent across all companies at the moment or is it just time for me to leave?

URA = unwanted attention rate

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