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Meh. Another VC 'open-source' company.

> Polars will remain MIT-licensed and the company will sponsor and accelerate the open-source development of Polars.

I bet that they will change to a custom business source available license sooner or later.

From the about page: [0]

> We successfully closed a seed round of approximately 4M$, which was lead by Bain Capital Ventures.

Waiting for the day that a seperate closed-source version of polars gets built / forked privately and improvements do not make it back into the source.

[0] https://pola.rs/posts/company-announcement/

Yeah so this is AI's MovableType moment - maybe. Mojo - a will-be-open-sourced-soon-we-promise fast python alternative targeting AI - is in the same boat. Saying they'll be open source, releasing stuff, but VC backed with the ROI impetus.

Quick history lesson: MT owned blogging, got VC backed, changed the license because capitalism, and everyone fled to WordPress which powers over 40% of the Web today. I think looking at the way Matt has run WP and the level of sensitivity he's had to have towards OSS/GPL in order to maintain the ecosystem and community, is instructive when it comes to the viability of an OSS AI VC backed C corp.

> will remain MIT-licensed

Seems like fairly strong assurance to me

Yes. And it doesn't really make sense to make the library closed source. The common business model for these kind of tools is to provide consultation, deployment platform, or a distributed version.

Doesn't that imply the opposite? They can take the code base and do anything they want with it.

Since they are the owners, they can do what they want with it no matter the license. The license only says what others who get a copy of the software can do with it.

I'm so sick of this debate. I really don't get it. You all want less useful software to be made by less software developers being paid less for their work? What's the game plan here?

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