Looking at the photo for this article, all I can say is that I'll chip in an extra $10 on my AdWords bill for this month if you guys will send someone out to clean that sign off. I don't know, maybe I've just been in Japan too long, but I see that and I immediately think "organizational decay".
(My company -- and a few American companies I know, including Disney -- would have had the CEO out front with a bucket of soapy water within 10 minutes of seeing that photo run.)
Well it had to happen sometime. But I doubt the frugal measures like removing free lunches will have a huge impact on motivation. Given that the employees have been rewarded during good times, the expectation may be that this frugality is only a short term blip.
The thing about the free meals is that empirical evidence suggests that they get more bang for their engineering buck.
I found out first hand that if you feed me, I'll be in the office a lot longer. I will still work the same amount because I will take more frequent breaks to stretch my day out to accommodate dinner.
When I actually do work, I'm well rested and well fed. I'm easily over $10 dollars worth more productive and I used a lot my extra break time to attend mind-expanding Tech Talks. It would be more expensive NOT to provide free food!
That said, this is also one of the key reasons I chose Microsoft. I actually like spending some fraction of my life off campus being a normal person.
(My company -- and a few American companies I know, including Disney -- would have had the CEO out front with a bucket of soapy water within 10 minutes of seeing that photo run.)