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While I agree that the app will likely feel off, that doesn't mean it won't work, depending on what it does.

I have an iPhone, and even though the number of non-default apps I use is quite small, I get the feeling that every other app is just a web view wrapper or whatever that just doesn't care about iOS standards. The examples that come to mind are: Uber, Teams and Philips Hue. The latter is a laggy mess for some reason, that behaves the same on an iphone 14 pro as on a 7. Teams also is a shitshow, but who does that actually surprise?

I hear this refrain a lot, but the reasons I've gotten for native apps vs webapps were not very compelling to me. I'd be interested in a detailed comparison of some real examples of native and web (or react native-like or webview wrapper) apps and the practical differences (excluding obvious ones like hardware access.)

Oh, I'm not saying it can't be done, and if it could, I'd be happy.

It of course depends on what somebody deems "compelling". What comes to mind is, mostly, behavior that feels off when any sort of animation is involved. Mostly the "rubber-band effect" when scrolling past the first / last element of a list as well as the scrolling action itself. This is surprising to me, since I'd expect ios' web view, being safari, to behave the right way. But I wouldn't be surprised for these sites to hijack scrolling, as many sites do on the desktop.

Then there are the expected gestures which don't always work. Take the uber app and the "back" gesture: they sometimes do, but sometimes they don't, even when there's a back arrow present. And when they do, they feel off. The current image doesn't begin sliding smoothly from the edge, it waits a bit and then it "jumps" to some distance. Also, in Uber, for some reason, just scrolling up and down for example in my past trips stutters. Yeah, I know it loads those as it goes, but even after the list is populated, it keeps stuttering. After a while, if I stay on that page, it seems to be smooth, though.

Then there's the typography, which is often weird.

Now I guess you could always have those issues even with full-on native apps, especially the last point. And I doubt it's impossible to go out of your way to mess up scrolling, as some devs do that for the browser.

But mostly, native apps behave a certain way which some people may come to expect from their devices. To me, it's compelling enough that, given the choice, I'll pick the "native" app over the weird one. I also don't care the least bit about "brand experience" or whatever it's called, so not having your weird font is actually a feature for me. I also only have an iphone, so don't care about the app behaving the same on multiple platforms (though I can see the value in that for support).

Also, I don't care that the app is actually native, what I care about is its behavior. So, if an app is able to have the same behaviors while actually being a bunch of JS inside a web view, I don't really have a problem with that.

Huh, surprised by this because the Hue app runs great for me, don’t think I’ve ever seen it lag as a daily user for a couple years. Honestly kind of blown away but how well it (and the Hue platform as a whole) works coming from a company that I don’t usually associate with tech.

Goes to show that experience doesn’t always generalize, and I’m curious what’s different in our cases to cause that (since I’m also using on a iPhone 14 Pro).

I'm generally very happy with how my Hue setup works, but for some reason the Hue app sometimes lags on the simpler screens, like the settings tab and configuring the remotes' buttons. The Home tab where you set the scenes / brightness and such usually works fine.

> sometimes lags on the simpler screens, like the settings tab and configuring the remotes' buttons

That's because there is no cloud storage or place to store those settings other than the devices (or the bridge) themselves.

You are not waiting on the app. You are waiting on a request and response to the device over Zigbee to save the settings, which is not an instant action.

Maybe they could just close the screen and finish the work in the background, but I like knowing it completed successfully.

This is very funny/sad because Uber has one of the biggest iOS teams in the world.

> Teams also is a shitshow

I heard it works wonderful if you use Microsoft Surface Duo devices

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