In which format are the notes stored? Many of us have been bitten by vendor lock in before, so we prefer our notes tobe in simple human readable formats that can also be read in 30 years when your app (more likely than not) doesn't exist anymore.
It's not a human readable format outside of simplistically formatted text, but even then the vendor locking is solved via exporting to that simplistic format so that you can easily do that when the app dies and you need to move to another one, no need for every app to suffer the limitations by choosing that as its internal data format
If you expect that your notes will still be valuable in 30 years, then you should probably migrate them to something other than a quick note taking app. If everything I wrote into onenote before eg last year disappeared right now, I wouldn't lose much sleep.
I even have files from 20+ years ago that I can open just fine, including notes.
If you use something proprietary, then yeah, it might be difficult. But that doesn't stop us from asking whether something we're interested in using now uses data formats that would be easily readable in 20-30 years.
Situational, I suppose. I still have an active project that's not quite 30 years old (it's mid-20's) that I reference old notes for all the time.
Actually... I reference a lot of notes from at least 20 years ago. There is a lot that doesn't change, you forget, and is an instantaneous search away. I don't foresee this changing in the interim 10 years.
I constantly have book X that I read ages ago where I need to find point Y. My notes are valuable for that. But I and my note-taking are not universal.
But even if I it wasn't I don't like to think about the lifetime of any thought as I note it down. This os a distraction I don't need. If the closet with the notes in it fails, I want to be able to read them still.