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My concern was more that you'll have more people who would like to pay to remove the branding, compared to how many people would need the Pro plan, but you have offering for those customers.

If you just want to remove the branding, I view it a $19/$29 subscription for something that's worth maybe $1 - $2.

Maybe also add an explanation as to what a site is, because I can't tell what the difference between a site and a domain is.

Thanks, removing branding with $2 looks like exactly what montaigne is providing. Fair enough, I need to reconsider the pricing model for Free plan.

No problem, again you free plan is really good, but I'd be concerned that the majority of potential customers would want to buy single items like no branding, plus 10K page view or an additional 5 months of analytics. Bundling is hard, because some will always feel like they are being overcharged, because they only need a fraction of what that bundle contains.

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