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All code is technical debt (tokyodev.com)
273 points by j45 on Dec 20, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 167 comments

I think the author is basically diluting the term "technical debt" to the point it becomes meaningless. Much of what they are talking about is the inherent difficulty of managing complexity, mixed with the difficulty of understanding requirements/defining features well.

I think "technical debt" as a term is overused and sometimes misapplied, but the core idea resonates with many developers, at least the way it is most often used - which isn't exactly the original proposal as another commentpoints out. The key part of it is the analogy with an interest rate. I can decide do put 5k on the credit card for a last minute holiday, but for as long as I don't pay that off, I'm paying 20-something percent, every month, forever. Similarly for example a rush to add features to hit a demo deadline can introduce brittleness and abstraction failures into your codebase that you pay for every time you make changes, add features, do nearly anything. The analogy is that some of your development is going to be wasted "servicing the debt" going forward until you fix that (pay off the debt). That doesn't mean its the wrong move, for the same reasons that taking on debt can be the right move for a person or business.

I think it could make more sense if it's rephrased to 'all code is a liability'.

Then the equation is simpler. More code = more to maintain = more liability. It says nothing about the quality of the code, just the quantity.

Tech debt is a trade-off between near term and long term ambitions - it is literally impossible to build a successful project without accruing this kind of debt, simply because you cannot perfectly anticipate the future. In that sense, it's not so much debt as it is a maintenance overhead.

Agreed, or similarly: all software has a carrying (maintenance, but I think that has connotations of not including full ongoing TCO) cost. Code is a liability in the sense that it has a non-zero carrying cost.

The ideal software implementing a given functionality has as low of a carrying cost as possible. More code, in quantity and complexity, typically means more carrying costs.

One of the appeals of SAAS is that this carrying cost is easy to quantify and predict. Going further, for high-quality OSS projects like the Linux Kernel, the carrying cost may be 0 or close to 0 for most users. But lower quality OSS or buggy SAAS has a carrying cost in the form of bugs (possibly affecting downstream users), patches, need for support + back and forth.

In this analogy tech debt is a tradeoff for some short term benefit (like simplicity, time to market) at the expense of higher carrying costs down the line. But some carrying costs simply can’t be reduced - you can’t mooch off something like the Linux kernel, get your own carrying costs all the way to 0, or find a SAAS provider/vendor willing to give you the software for free. So in this model not all code is technical debt.

> Code is a liability in the sense that it has a non-zero carrying cost.

The under-appreciated corollary to that: tests are code, hence tests have non-zero carrying cost as well.

> The ideal software implementing a given functionality has as low of a carrying cost as possible. More code, in quantity and complexity, typically means more carrying costs.

You understress the complexity point. Higher quantity of code with high clarity and low complexity would have lower carrying cost. This is where DRY bites people: ill-suited or excessive abstractions can be worse than a little bit of copy-paste that are immediately visible to the eye.

> In this analogy tech debt is a tradeoff for some short term benefit (like simplicity, time to market) at the expense of higher carrying costs down the line.

In a general sense, doesn’t this hold for everything we do? If you really dig into it, is there an activity that is not a trade-off of short-term benefit for higher costs down the line (be it waste, pollution, something unknown or generally entropy)?

Tests are indeed not free. But neither is having to spend two days to debug a weird bug you would have cought if you had them. Depending on the worst thing your software could be doing if it had a edge case mistake, writing tests is also just another take on trying to prevent them when they happen.

Also: nothing prevents us from deleting tests and do as if they never existed, except the nagging voice of sunken cost.

If I've learned anything over my career, it's that tests are treated as write-only code and they forever accumulate. Not only are they a burden in terms of comprehension, they have a measurable cost as your CI/CD pipeline becomes ever slower or requires more parallelism.

I've worked in so many places where a test suite suddenly takes a day to run with no parallelism, and requires 50 other machines to get it down to 20 minutes. And so many of the tests that waste so much time are down to them being pointless, or being stateful for no reason.

I constantly advise people to stop writing obvious bullshit tests (e.g. the kind of test in Rails where you just assert that you wrote `belongs_to :some_model` in your model), or ones that are too heavily mocked. Focus on your business logic and the inputs and intended outputs, not how you used a framework or dependency.

Not all code has equivalent carrying costs. I think the ideal behind tests is that they reduce maintenance costs of the code they cover by more than they add themselves (ideally).

Same as the aim of the original code is to reduce some costs by more than it would add itself. It’s the never-ending game.

Hear hear!!

"My point today is that, if we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as "lines produced" but as "lines spent": the current conventional wisdom is so foolish as to book that count on the wrong side of the ledger."

-- Dijkstra in 1998 (https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/transcriptions/EWD10xx/E...)

That was in 1988!

For similar sentiments consider "Science and the Compulsive Programmer" from 1976.


"Programming systems can, of course, be built without plan and without knowledge, let alone understanding, of the deep structural issues involved, just as houses, cities, systems of dams, and national economic policies can be similarly hacked together. As a system so constructed begins to get large, however, it also becomes increasingly unstable. When one of its subsystems fails in an unanticipated way, it may be patched until the manifest trouble disappears. But since there is no general theory of the whole system, the system itself can be only a more or less chaotic aggregate of subsystems whose influence on one another’s behavior is discoverable only piecemeal and by experiment. The hacker spends part of his time at the console piling new subsystems onto the structure he has already built—he calls them “new features”—and the rest of his time in attempts to account for the way in which substructures already in place misbehave. That is what he and the computer converse about."

Doh! Yeah that was a typo. Sorry I can't edit now. Thanks for the correction.

Even though I don't use any of his techniques, Dijkstra's "A Discipline of Programming" did affect the way I see things considerably.

'All code is a liability' is also not a particularly accurate application of finance jargon.

A car or a house also have ongoing maintenance costs, but they would normally be classified as assets (because they generally produce value in excess of the maintenance, or because you can sell them in a secondary market).

I think an accurate, useful, but not very catchy rephrasing is just 'working code requires ongoing maintenance'.

> working code requires ongoing maintenance

I don't love this either because working code needs no maintenance whatsoever. After all it's already working. There's also no notion of "repairing" code because it isn't something that can just break suddenly.

So really what we're talking about is that necessary changes to the codebase can arise from not just the stakeholders as we typically define them but also because the environment around the code changes.

Someone who invested in shutters that can close instead of being purely decorative will be able to adapt more quickly and cheaply to a wind storm than someone who has to go out and buy wood to board them up.

Changes to the platform or dependencies break working code. This is increasingly hard to ignore when app stores stop vending your product to older versions of a platform, even if it's working fine.

And working code, no matter how well it works, imposes a cost to implementing new features. A new feature might be a cinch to implement in a new app. But it can easily take much longer to implement the same feature in an existing app.

> Changes to the platform or dependencies break working code

Not all code. You have platform dependent code and then code that doesn't depend on anything outside of your own code. The code with no outside dependencies can easily stay around unchanged for decades and is not a liability.

"All dependencies are liabilities" I could agree with. Dependencies are technical debt that will continue to demand interest from you, they are often worth it but they are the main source of maintenance burden. Some are unavoidable if you need to interface with an API, but many are not.

Unless you're deploying your code bare-metal on a machine with no OS, you've got software dependencies, and even in that situation you've got hardware dependencies. I think the idea of dependency-free code is a myth that we like to use based on the abstraction layers we're comfortable with - if I'm okay assuming that a given layer always Just Works™, then it magically stops being a dependency and becomes the new ground level.

That said, I agree that it's helpful to think of dependencies in terms of their potential liability as well as their benefit.

I use the term liability because the only code that has zero maintenance cost is code that doesn't exist.

If you have a viable solution to a problem that doesn't require code, then you still get the value from that solution without the burden of maintenance.

Classic case in point: your in-house infra platform on K8S is an incredible liability no matter how much value it adds, because it's a means to an end for scaling and serving your product. Or a cost-centre, in other terms. You could just as well host on a collection of SaaS and offload a large portion of the maintenance cost onto the provider.

Rather than writing code that is easy to maintain (read: easy to keep), it's optimal to write code that is easy to discard. The latter is a lot more challenging than piling on architecture and in some sense it's akin to having illiquid code (stuff you can't get rid of very easily), and liquid code (stuff you can get rid of easily).

I'm objecting to the use of the term 'liability' because in accounting/finance in particular, a liability is strongly implied to be a net negative once you weigh all the benefits and costs together.

Here you're saying code is a liability because it has costs. But a car or a house have costs, yet they're almost always classified as assets, because the benefits outweigh the costs.

So you're left with a few choices:

1. Accept that code isn't always a liability, at least according to the dictionary definition of the word

2. Argue your way somehow to code nearly always being a net cost (seems unlikely, otherwise why write code?).

3. Redefine the meaning liability for this particular application

I think 1) is the most reasonable choice here.

‘All code is a liability’ some code is productive.

Different domains have different jargon. Code doesn’t map very well to finance because the loan is also the productive asset. It’s easy for a deprecated function to exist which literally nothing calls and therefore it provides you zero benefits, but such cruft is still an ongoing cost. Meanwhile that exact same function was critical last week.

I agree with the general sentiment but would generalize to "all corporate surface area is a liability" and that liability can be minimized in many ways.

An illustrative example where more code is a lesser liability: I work on a product with an activity feed feature built in 2018-19. There was a political battle on whether to build it internally or use a third party "feed as a service" product. The build it internally folks won. The "FaaS" under consideration went under during the pandemic, so we dodged that bullet. We also have customized it in ways not possible with an off the shelf product, with no big rewrite necessary.

On the flipside, we've never had time to implement things that are trivial with commercial FaaS like iOS and Android push notifications. Trade-offs are hard!

And all code is an asset. Have we just reduced the conversation to: everything has a cost, and everything has a benefit?

I don’t like analogies to concepts from economics for this reason; it seems like they are often more complicated than the programming thing that is being described, and economics is a whole ‘nother specialty.

> And all code is an asset.

No - runnable programs are an asset.

The code to produce those runnable programs is a liability.

It's a necessary liability for a sustainable software business, as without the code fixing bugs is nigh-impossible (though not theoretically impossible - long-ago programmers wrote and read raw machine code).

But, the code itself is not what produces value. That's the code's output.

(Yes, you could be clever and say "but what about interpreted languages?"

I'd respond by pointing out that it's pretty rare to distribute a pile of executable code files to end users. Front-end JS only producing UX if delivered as part of a website, and similar principles hold for other interpreted languages - they're effectively object files once deployed, as in any deployment they're being run by the interpreter, not read by a human.)

> No - runnable programs are an asset.

> The code to produce those runnable programs is a liability.

That is total nonsense. So you throw away all your code after you built the program binary to avoid the liability? Don't think so, that code is a massive asset and throwing it away would make continuing the project unfeasible most of the time.

> It's a necessary liability for a sustainable software business, as without the code fixing bugs is nigh-impossible

Ok, so you agree with me, the code is a massive asset since it is the code that lets you change the program. Code is there to help programmers do their work, that is valuable as you say.

> But, the code itself is not what produces value. That's the code's output.

Both produces value. The code is valuable since it makes it easier to inspect and change the program. That is value. It isn't uncommon to sell source code access for products, why would anyone pay for that if seeing the source code is a liability? No, of course it is an asset, people arguing otherwise have just gotten too hooked on the "code is bad" mantra and try to argue all code is bad even though code obviously is very valuable.

Edit: And to be even more clear, throwing away the code and trying to work directly with a program binary creates technical debt, that is way worse debt than keeping the source code around. Code isn't inherently technical debt.

Code produces value for programmers, but none for end users. Software businesses can thus usually only charge end users for access to the runnable programs (or running programs, in an SaaS business's case).

You're certainly right that when a business's customers include programmers who want to extend or modify the programs, the source code can be an asset. I was mistaken to say categorically that code's never an asset.

On average, though, I think it's still more often a liability on the balance sheet.

It's why we lionize programmers who cut out thousands of lines without removing any features - they reduced the liabilities while retaining all the assets.

If i had more time i would have written a shorter letter

Isn't this line of reasoning a bit like saying "life causes death"?

Absolutely agreed. Articles in this vein rather get my goat, especially because the analogy to real debt is more clear: If someone wrote a consumer finance article like "All purchases of things other than cans of beans and Certificates of Deposit are like Mortgages, because what if your industry collapses tomorrow?" most people have the good sense to complain that the usually decent advice of saving a bit for a rainy day was being way exaggerated. And yet pieces that run something like "All programming of things other than washing machine microcontrollers are like technical debt, because what if your customer's needs suddenly change entirely?" get much more play. Sure, disasters can happen, and it pays to reserve some resources to be ready for them, but it also pays to use resources when times are good to expand. It seems to me Cunningham's point was to encourage a move towards balance; headlines that don't overshoot the mark.

I don't think the analogy breaks down per-say. Adding features is akin to adding a percentage interest rate. Some add more than others, but the cost of adding a feature is sometimes (often) dependent upon the existing features in the system.

Coding & story-writing is a good analogy. If you are inserting a new scene into a large anthology, you need to make sure the new scene fits with everything else. OTOH, writing a brand new story does not have this constraint / cost.

Which is all to say, software is an asset, code is a cost. The functionality of software is the valuable thing, all the code to do that is overhead. Thus, every line of code has a cost, and an ongoing cost that is forever then payed (which is exactly the interest; simply taking the time to scan/read over a line, to scan between 5 files vs 20, those are all ongoing costs)

I disagree. Scaling things up has a cost, but not all costs are debt financed. I think the distinction is worth drawing.

That's a good response. I can buy a house cash, I can buy a house with a 5% mortgage, or I could buy a house with a 20+% loan.

Rushing out features with known bugs, poor architecture, no test and no documentation is akin to buying a house with a 20+% loan. You'll get your house sooner but you'll spend most of your resources servicing that debt until you can pay it down.

Another potentially interesting thought..

The idea that "all code is technical debt" is saying that all code has a non-zero interest rate. In popular parlance though, we don't actually call code technical debt unless we think the interest rate is unnecessarily high.

To try and be more practical, logging is a good example. For some, cleaning up logs once every month or so is just a cost of doing business, it is not avoidable. Similarly, just adding a "grep -v DEBUG" is also just a cost of doing business and watching the logs. Someone else might look at this and call it technical debt, the lack of logrotate & overly verbose logging make all of the above unnecessary.

There are just lots of dimensions to it. To one person, having those DEBUG logs might have been the difference in finding a problem vs not, yet to another those DEBUG logs may never be useful and all they do is create noise. The interest rate we assign to code is incredibly subjective, depending on both task and person.

It's a useful distinction, but not necessarily at odds with what I'm trying to say. I'm more saying that all code has interest on it. "bad code" is high interest, "good code" has interest that at times is close to zero.

Another response gives the construction analogy (I try to avoid construction analogies for software building, because it's a bad analogy.. but I would digress - story writing & editing I think is a much stronger analogy for software development).

Let's say there exists two townhomes side-by-side (attached building). Let's say you need to replace one. The cost to replace one is a function of its attachments to adjacent buildings and overall build quality. If that other building were not there, all costs associated with compability would be zero. We can draw this analogy much further though, let's say to inspect the electrical lines - you need to remove half of the dry-wall of the existing building that you do not want to even touch. Had the electrical lines been put in correctly, that re-do and re-painting of the interior, the temporary eviction of tenants would all be unnecessary. This is the example of the overhead that comes with code. Anything that is 'attached' to something else is going to be more expensive to do anything with compared to it not being 'attached' to something else. The cost of considering and maintaining that attachment is not related to the value provided by that attachment, but instead to the quality of the attachment.

The 'debt financed' metaphor comes in when instead of doing something right, it's done badly which means anything that is attached to the 'badly done thing', needs to incur a high overhead cost to even just understand the badly done thing (every time, and whether we are even trying to modify it or not - this is high interest code). In comparison, if the system is decoupled and the APIs clean, that other thing might need only a moment of consideration instead (low interest code)

At the end of the day, it is to say - if you are replacing the 11th floor of a building, you have to consider every floor whether you want to or not. That is more expensive than if you did not have to consider those other floors. Considering the impact to 10 other floors is always more expensive than if those floors did not exist at all. The cost of maintaining those floors though is not a fixed cost, not all floors have the same maintenance cost. The maintenance cost of equivalent floors is not even the same, it's a function of the quality of those floors. Even high quality floors can be low-quality if we are trying to do something the designers did not expect. It's very context dependent, but all of which is to say that the value from features is significantly independent of the cost of the thing that delivers those features. The thing that delivers those feature might be very high cost, or it might be low - but it will have a non-zero maintenance cost. Simply reading a list of 10 items is more expensive than reading a list of 5 items. If anything, those extra "5" modules have at least that overhead cost, it's not zero. The debt financing analogy comes in to describe how high that interest rate is. Saying "code" is a cost is essentially just saying that all code has a non-zero maintenance cost (maintenance being the activity of reading, understanding, debugging, modifying, or deleting code).

> I don't think the analogy breaks down per-say.

Sorry for being "that guy", but I think you meant "per se".

It's a pity that there is no DM functionality - but this was a huge help for me! This feels like one of those moments where I learned that "yay" & "yea" sound the same, as do "yeah" and "ya" (and importantly, yea != yeah)

My brother coined a term that I really love: "feature karma". He's an actual Buddhist, so he used the term "karma" not to mean a simple score with only positive connotations, but as something you're chained to and must work off should you at some point want to move past it.

I often try to explain the concept of Technical Wealth as the other side of the spectrum from Technical Debt.

Technical Wealth pays dividends; Tech Debt charges interest on which the payments will eventually become unwieldy.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't take on Technical Debt, like many startups do with real money you can and should go into debt in order to get your business off the ground. But just like irresponsible financial management can kill your company, so can irresponsible technical management.

Completely agreed.

The idea that "all code is technical debt" because all requirements could hypothetically change someday, makes as much sense as saying "all currencies have no value" because 1,000 years from now we might not be using any of them.

Technical debt is not defined in terms of possible future requirements, it is defined in terms of current requirements. Code that elegantly and concisely expresses current requirements is debt-free. Code that is a mix of elegantly expressing old requirements, with new requirements expressed in a hacky fast way, has debt.

But trying to judge code in reference to all possible future requirements is utterly nonsensical. You can't measure that. It's literally meaningless.

So no, all code is not technical debt. Technical debt is technical debt, and clean code is clean code. Trying to redefine words to mean their opposite helps no one. That way lies madness.

But dept can only recognized if you're trying to implement something new, and notice that you have to pay interest. Poorly written code makes it very hard to implement new features & debug existing one, while well written code makes it easy. So the current dept can only be estimated with respect of features you are implementing in the future.

Seems fair to assume that “current requirements” means current roadmap of requirements. Taken to extreme, if there are no future requirements at all, there is no technical debt.

Yes, a bit silly this. Code is means to an end, it makes sence to think of code as liability (maintenance cost, inevitable bugs, etc .. ) but this must be contrasted with the value it provides within some reasonable timeframe.

I agree and I can't stand it when people dilute terms to the point they become meaningless. I see it in other areas as well.

It isn't a profound thought to take a term like "technical debt" and just say well that's just everything.

Technical debt is absolutely that, adding something that incurs a level of interest, until you take the time to pay it off. In life, we often always have a level of interest to be paid.

It's a good analogy

Almost ten years ago I had the unfortunate opportunity to work with a master manipulator who was unfortunately more senior in the hierarchy.

Most of his code was actually technical debt. The code that wasn’t was external code he integrated. All of the code he wrote would eventually break down and until it did world force you to work around it, so it wouldn’t fail from interfacing with it.

In one of the standup’s i used the term technical debt to argue for fixing one of these issues that broke later but which he discouraged everyone to fix.

After that he integrated the term into his daily use to the point that it became meaningless. The people that believed this snake oil salesman thought that he had already carefully weighed his own decisions in advance.

Needless to say the issue was not fixed before he left the company and cost millions and plenty of customer headaches.

I agree. Technical debt is a very useful concept and it's not helpful to dilute its meaning.

Only a couple days ago I decided to change some data structure. It was needlessly hard because I had neglected to create an accessor function and was instead accessing it directly everywhere. Had to change every bit of code that accessed the structure's fields.

That's technical debt: something the programmer should have done but for whatever reason didn't. I paid back the debt by doing it: I created the function. Now if I want to change the data structure I only have to update the function. If I hadn't paid it back, it would start accruing interest: it would be even harder in the future as more and more stuff accessed the fields.

No sorry that is just bad encapsulation and goes under poor programming.Technical debt occurs when you write a good program to your current understanding of the solution knowing that the full understanding of the solution will come later, and that you need to do something now to get to that learning point later, and so you have to repay your partial understanding at the beginning with refactoring later.

Here, heed Ward words directly, poor programming is not debt, and debt doesn't cover "whatever reason programmer may have" but has a specific well defined scope: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pqeJFYwnkjE&t=198

I definitely agree with him about code reflecting one's understanding of the problem and its solution. I don't agree with the poor programming thing though. No one writes bad code on purpose. Sometimes things like that just slip through while I'm focusing on other issues. I do make an effort to polish things up before committing but at some point I have to decide that the code is good enough to push otherwise I'll succumb to perfectionist tendencies. I'm also a solo developer so I don't have anyone to review my code either.

That's certainly not how most people understand the term.

I mean that is the guy who invented it should we just go "ah well the uneducated masses really wish for a term that excuses bad programming so let's twist this nice metaphor into something we can sell to management to that effect", or instead just get the quote and correct people whenever we can until there's no more shadow under which to hide bad code.

Well said.

Too often code is a proxy for complexity being added unnecessarily, consciously or unconsciously.

Premature optimization or over-engineering or burning your innovation points on shiny object syndrome can create technical debt in a different way than just taking shortcuts.

I especially likes the discussion of “adding assumptions” where it became readily apparent that there was zero experience guiding anything in their product, and when they said “assumption”, what they actually meant was “completely and utterly devoid of any semblance of planning what-so-ever”

What I don't like about "technical debt" is that it's usually interpreted as "technical" debt: it's only a problem for the developers, the techies. You immediately lose the business stakeholders once you start talking about technical debt. But the problem of technical debt if a problem for everyone, not just the devs, because it is reflected in quality and time-to-market. I feel having that conversation about time-to-market and quality with business stakeholders is incredibly important and is often skipped. This in turn alienates business stakeholders from the developers, which is counter-productive.

So yes, the core idea of technical debt resonates with developers, but not with business stakeholders. So if you really think the business is going to be okay with "we're gonna slow down our time-to-market and say no to all your requests for a while because we need to pay back our technical debt" (which is something I see happening over and over again), you're just keeping them out of the loop and taking over their responsibilities without actually having their accountability. Developers shouldn't decide whether time and money should be invested in time-to-market and quality or feature delivery, but that's effectively what's happening when business is not involved in the tech debt discussion. This only leads to friction and suboptimal results.

That's why I think we really need to be careful when using the words "technical debt" and not just label everything we don't really understand or think can be improved as "technical debt". Challenge yourself: what really is the problem with this piece of code, other than that we don't like it?

> So yes, the core idea of technical debt resonates with developers, but not with business stakeholders.

I think that if this is the case, you are presenting it wrong. Business types are very familiar with the tradeoffs of debt financing, you have present it as being paid in effort vs. $ (which after all, have a close relationship) and they will immediately understand that a large technical debt means you can get less desired stuff done for the same input of effort. And then you collectively decide.

Agree you have to be careful about what you present as technical debt. If you need buy in from the business side, you don't want them thinking "that's just what they say when they want more time, it doesn't mean anything". It has to be pretty concrete.

I think we're largely agreeing, but a fundamental difference is that actual debt you have to pay back, and with technical debt you don't. So inherently you need to start discussing the trade-offs associated with the debt, and not the actual "debt" itself. Technical debt is not some external thing that we are forced to deal with.

In the contemporary tech industry, there's a pretty good chance that the managers who oversaw the decision to incur technical debt are not going to be the managers who make the call whether to "repay" it. It might not even be the same programmers. The "debt" metaphor makes a lot of sense when you're saying "you are asking for something that will incur a cost that we will later need to repay". It seems less effective when you're saying "your predecessor's predecessor asked my predecessor's predecessor for something that probably made sense at the time, but now we 'owe' some work on fixing the problem they left us".

The thing with actual debt is that you have to pay it back, because you agreed to do that in a formal way. That's not the case with technical debt. No one says you have to pay it back. That's why I think the metaphor falls flat when you use it with business stakeholders.

unless its a perfect shining jewel - every piece of existing code constrains future development, until progress asymptotically approaches zero and development cost asymptotically approaches infinity

> every piece of existing code constrains future development

If that were literally true, then every new development would rationally necessitate a total rewrite of the codebase.

You might have meant that parts of the existing codebase would need to be changed to adapt to the new development, but as long as you've made a rational decision to keep using parts of the existing codebase, it must have been a net positive otherwise you'd just throw it all away.

> The analogy is that some of your development is going to be wasted "servicing the debt" going forward until you fix that (pay off the debt).

This is the same for bog standard development though. Any code you add, regardless of whether it is termed technical debt or not, will make your future development slower.

Like you say, that doesn’t mean it’s the wrong move, you want to build a product after all, but I think I can see where the author comes from.

That's not true at all. There are lots of circumstances where adding (good) code adds velocity.

Imagine I'm trying to do a bunch of graphics stuff. The code I write to integrate a 3rd party graphics library will make my future development faster. I am effectively creating a lever I will later use to increase my productivity.

Say I need to do a bunch of linear algebra. Code I write to calculate dot products, determinants etc (or better yet to use a library to do those things) will greatly accellerate progress later and enable me to think in terms of the linear transformations I'm trying to accomplish rather than the underlying primitive operations.

> Technical debt, as originally coined by Ward Cunningham, is the idea that you can gain a temporary speed boost by rushing software development, at the cost of slowing down future development.

No! Ward's blog post linked in this very paragraph [0] describes the original definition quite clearly, and it's not this.

The term was originally intended to describe the delta between a programmer's current understanding acquired through the process of developing the software, and the accumulated implementation which is based upon a combination of past understanding. Because writing a program is often a process of discovery and learning about the problem and solution space, it's not usually possible to write the ideal implementation up front.

It's quite clear In Ward's 2nd paragraph where he describes the correction of this debt:

> it was important to me that we accumulate the learnings we did about the application over time by modifying the program to look as if we had known what we were doing all along and to look as if it had been easy to do in Smalltalk.

What the author is describing is the modern definition that it has acquired independently, where by programmers knowingly take shortcuts... this is an entirely different phenomenon, intentionally writing code in a way that is less than ideal even based on current understanding. I find the original definition far more interesting and insightful, but the modern one is perhaps more reflective of the more common realities of the pressure developing software in a business today.

[0] https://wiki.c2.com/?WardExplainsDebtMetaphor


Despite this error, I do agree with the sentiment of the article, that too much code is a liability, that features can cost more than they are worth.

Ward's definition of technical debt affects the cohesion and correctness of the code, the idea that if you could tear it all up every day and re-write it from scratch that it would always reflect the most up to date understanding, and for moving targets the most up to date problem, that it be absent of the weight of past misconceptions or solutions to past problems... aiming for minimal code makes achieving that state far more viable - these are complementary insights, so it's a shame the nuance of the original definition was lost.

I agree with this history, but don't think the meaning was acquired independently so much as naturally grew. Ward presents it in a sort of "optimal development" context, where what we did last year was the right thing last year, but we know more now/things have changed and we know what the right thing would be today. This is definitely happens, but doesn't allow for a lot of other real-world reasons for this mismatch between the current and ideal state.

The effect is the roughly the same though, there is an impedance mismatch between what you want to do to/with the system today, and what the system actual is today, and that has a cost. The work of reducing this impedance is real work, and can be thought of as "paying off debt".

> Ward presents it in a sort of "optimal development" context, where what we did last year was the right thing last year, but we know more now/things have changed and we know what the right thing would be today [...]

Oh I suspect Ward's context was even more idealistic. That there was a problem to be solved, and there were few to no moving targets, the only differences over time were in the programmer's heads as they learned about the problem domain.

This is not the only factor in software development today, which is mostly a moving target (although I kinda wish it was, it's my favourite form of development, a clear goal and end state to achieve - aiming for maintenance mode on 1st release, or pretending you are getting a bunch of discs stamped - and I really like trying to break real world problems into these types of mini projects, but that's another story). Perhaps this is why it was inevitable for the phrase to take on a new meaning, and honestly maybe "debt" wasn't the best analogy anyway, your "impedance mismatch" is probably already a lot better as the sibling commenter points out.

> [...] but doesn't allow for a lot of other real-world reasons for this mismatch between the current and ideal state. The effect is the roughly the same though, there is an impedance mismatch between what you want to do to/with the system today, and what the system actual is today, and that has a cost. The work of reducing this impedance is real work, and can be thought of as "paying off debt".

The effect may be similar, but I think it's useful to distinguish the forces at play. In particular I believe conceptual mismatches as per the original definition of technical debt are catalysts of the "other" debts... The original form of technical debt is the most common attribute I notice in the vast majority of source: code is accreted, existing code, existing decisions are rarely questioned with intention beyond what is necessary to make the next requirement on the todo list function, and this tends to result in a lot of unnecessary artificial work and code to work around the exiting code base - which of course only makes it even harder to change.

> This is not the only factor in software development today,

I suspect it is a mistake to think that software development today is fundamentally different from how it was practised when he first wrote that. Possible application of recency bias..

I think this is right; the chaos of shifting or contradictory requirements can leave scars on the physical codebase reflecting this history, and so can attaining a better understanding of the problem from working on it, if one isn't careful to refactor (original sense) rather than adding new hacks on top. But the prescription for addressing each situation is pretty different.

> there is an impedance mismatch between what you want to do to/with the system today, and what the system actual is today

This is a better conceptualization compared to the idea that tech-debt is the result of shortcuts or rushed code. Tech debt arises for a lot of reasons, including shortcuts but not exclusively because of shortcuts. I've seen tech debt arise because well-meaning engineers were trying to do things "the right way".

I think it is just a kind of entropy thing that we have to fight against. A lot of confounding factors lead to code that is hard to maintain and extend. I think it is an unfair characterization to suggest it is solely because of laziness or negligence.

I've used the entropy analogy also. In particular, entropy always wins in the end. But I do think it weakens the "debt" analogy to consider it the same thing, because I like the idea that this is sometimes transactional - a choice you make for benefit now which has amortized cost. I think this is a valuable idea that is separable from the problems of complexity growth, entropy, etc.

I certainly don't agree with the idea that all technical debt is due to shoddy work, that's obviously silly. I suspect that people fall into it because it is easy to understand. The original framing is more nuanced and harder to think about but no less in effect.

To generalize that idea a little, I think about technical debt being the accumulation of less-than-perfect decisions, if you consider the decision you made against the best possible decision that could have been made in hindsight.

Sometimes that's not making things flexible enough, or too flexible, or not having all the requirements captured, or making technical bets that didn't pan out.

Indeed, there's a significant portion of technical debt that's created with the full knowledge that it isn't the optimal approach and will incur a cost of maintenance or use, but might still be the correct tradeoff at the time.

From what I can tell, the definition in the link you provided is precisely what you're saying it's not. He says this:

> The explanation I gave to my boss, and this was financial software, was a financial analogy I called "the debt metaphor". And that said that if we failed to make our program align with what we then understood to be the proper way to think about our financial objects, then we were gonna continually stumble over that disagreement and that would slow us down which was like paying interest on a loan.

So indeed, his definition of technical debt is explicitly that by rushing software development now you will slow down future development.

The specific software engineering task that caused him to develop the analogy was about rewriting some code to incorporate new learnings, but the analogy itself is clearly applicable to any software engineering task that could be deferred to the future (with a cost).

Right, and I think the example here is instructive. He's not talking about rushed, shoddy, buggy code. He's talking about not taking the time to implement the right design. The resulting code might work just fine and doesn't necessarily impose additional maintenance costs, but the design issues mean that every time you're adding or modifying a feature you have to do extra work to translate from the 'correct' theoretical design of the feature to the actual design.

Unfortunately, while managers are often happy with "it'll make page load faster" or "it'll increase uptime" as a justification for a project, and "it'll reduce bug reports" and even sometimes "it'll automate manual tasks", "it'll make development easier" can be a really hard sell. It sounds pretty abstract and I think some managers start to think that it's just an excuse. It's certainly hard to quantify the impact, especially if you're expected to do that in $/yr.

In hindsight Ward’s choice of the word “debt” may not have been the right one. It feels more like “legacy code”, in that there was nothing wrong with it at the time. Its impact on newer parts of the system is to create a “legacy burden”.

Of course if there was something wrong with the code at the time then it’s more of a “proficiency debt” (or burden) where the shortcut taken was not in the coding but in not reading the docs and practicing the craft.

yeah sounds more like "design lag", where the software necessarily lags behind your ideal understanding by some amount

In other words, technical debt is when parts of the system does not yet implement the abstractions that align with the developers understanding of the problem?

While I don't think we're there yet or maybe not even close, I kind of feel like this kind of technical debt would be something that an LLM should be able to help with. Why can't I point to a piece of code and say "Look at this new code I wrote, now go and refactor the rest of the code base to align with it." Or can I? I assume if I tried to implement something that did this I would hit the context size limit and that would be it.

> the modern definition that it has acquired independently, where by programmers knowingly take shortcuts

No error! That seems to be included in this summary, which Cunningham reviewed:


Quoth the PDF:

> When taking short cuts and delivering code that is not quite right for the programming task of the moment, a development team incurs Technical Debt.

IME being in the operations space for along time, developers often oversimplify/ignore non-coding tasks, that is where I find most tech debt comes from, as the time/resources is not estimated/allocated ahead of time.

Corner cutting == tech debt

Ask any ops person and none of them will tell you they're content with the state of their infrastructure.

This is how the author starts his entire post.

I would assume if he misinterpreted Cunningham's original idea, would it then follow that the rest of the article is suspect considering the original premise is so far off from what Cunningham originally intended?

I had no idea Cunningham was so thoughtful about it. It's a term used by less thoughtful people in most of my experience.

I think something similar happened with the term "refactoring." While it had been in use by a small community beforehand, Fowler's "Refactoring" book is what really opened it up to a wider audience. The book defines refactoring as:

"Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure. It is a disciplined way to clean up code that minimizes the chances of introducing bugs. In essence when you refactor you are improving the design of the code after it has been written."

The book then goes on to describe the methodology and runs through common refactorings step-by-step. Nowadays the term is used almost generically for code improvement. I'll see commit messages like "refactored the API", which violates the edict to not alter external behavior.

Languages evolve and so on, but it's remarkable to me how quickly precisely defined terms (or even new words) change their meaning in tech. My cynical take is it's easier to get management to buy into "assuming technical debt" and addressing it with a "refactor" later than it is to "cut corners" and "rewrite" the code later. As long as everyone understands the new definition I guess there isn't even anything wrong with it, but it's a shame we've then lost a term for the original meaning.

> Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure.

That's the meaning of refactoring that I typically hear, tbh.

I guess it just depends on what one means by "external behavior". Changing a function signature changes the external behavior of that function for callers of that function, but not for other modules. Changing the interface of a module changes its external behavior for other modules depending on it, but not for clients of the whole server. Changing an API changes the external behavior for the client, but not for the end user (to whom API changes are invisible and irrelevant).

Traditionally, one might say "if the tests still pass, it was a refactor." Though nowadays that's probably not true either, as business code tends to contain a lot more internal testing than it used to (which is good! but also bad).

Perhaps my initial selection was too short. I was trying to avoid copying out whole sections of the book. Overall, I think the book is less ambiguous than the one definition I presented shows. The entirety of the text reinforces different aspects of that definition.

Fowler goes on to elaborate on the definition in chapter two, where he presents two context-dependent definitions (one a noun, the other a verb). The noun form is a specific type of change and the verb is the application of one or more of the nouns. E.g., "Move Method" and "Move Field" are types of refactorings. These are defined as changes made "without changing its observable behavior." To further qualify, he states "[o]nly changes to make the software easier to understand are refactorings." By way of example, he compares to performance optimization where he says: "A good contrast is performance optimization. Like refactoring, performance optimization does not usually change the behavior of a component (other than its speed); it only alters the internal structure."

Maybe it's just the domain or languages I work with. Nowadays I never see anyone apply refactorings as described in the book. I'm sure devs implicitly apply several of them, perhaps without the rigor presented, and that's understandable. But, I often see "refactoring" just as a catch-all for any code change.

While certainly there are some blurred lines in terms of what constitutes a refactoring or not, I think Fowler handles the product/API split fairly well. He adds:

"The second thing I want to highlight is that refactoring does not change the observable behavior of the software. The software still carries out the same function that it did before. Any user, whether an end user or another programmer, cannot tell things have changed."

By stating a programmer should not be able to tell things have changed, I think we can at least anchor public APIs as something that should not be adjusted in a refactoring. Such a change could improve the maintenance of the software or the quality of the product, but I don't think it fits the narrow definition of a refactoring. Admittedly, the part about the observable behavior of the software not changing can get murky. But, I think Fowler tries to scope this more at the code level than at the product level.

Makes sense! I appreciate the clarification.

Thanks for asking. I ended up revisiting the text to make sure my impression was accurate. It is more ambiguous than I recalled.

Indeed very insightful thanks for sharing.

Code is inventory, not debt. Inventory is good and bad. If someone comes to your store and everything is out of stock, you will make $0. So you want some inventory. But if you have too much inventory and nobody is buying anything, then your inventory just rusts in storage and becomes worthless. Code is pretty much exactly the same. Most features are sitting in storage in the hopes that someone comes by to buy it. Sometimes they do! Sometimes they don't. If you were the guy with a toilet paper warehouse in March 2020 you did great.

Code is an asset. Assets need to be managed, maintained, or else they will degrade. Assets have costs.

Gold bars don't need to be maintained and don't degrade. They just exist. That's the type of asset to own.

A white elephant needs a living are, food, elephant experts, vets, etc. That's much closer to the type of asset most code is.

Gold bars in storage may not degrade, but code in storage doesn't degrade either. We know from context that we're talking about code put to use. Gold bars are quite prone to degradation when put to use as well.

I understand what you’re trying to say with this analogy, but even gold bars have related costs, known as the cost of carry.

I bet you five gold bars that five gold bars left "unmaintained" won't be there when you pop back in a year.

It's not a big thing and there's no need for us to fall out over this .. but gold bars are famous for requiring additional ongoing security costs.

Even just burying them in the desert isn't as secure as it used to be.

I'll take that bet for 5 unmaintained gold bars. If you win you get all 5. If I win you give me 1. I'll let you know when they are buried.


You do realise that if I were to win then the five gold bars would be gone in the wind and you'd be ponying up for another five to pay out on the wager?

These are going to be small gold bars.

All wealth (negentropy/complexity) creation creates debt.

Whenever we build, we use intelligence to rearrange things in more complex ways that don't naturally occur. Ideally, this creates value by unlocking things we want that we previously couldn't have.

But this work always creates a burden on the future (debt) to maintain the complexity we built. This is especially true if the complexity doesn't gracefully degrade back to a more primitive state and the choices of people coming after you are "maintain" or "collapse and regress back further than your predecessor started, because you've forgotten the old ways".

If you don't want to place this burden on the future, then the only surefire solution is to not build anything. Just be happy with maintaining what you have and hope that the environment doesn't change around you so much that what you have isn't good enough.

But I don't think this is what we want. We need to build a LOT more for some of the existential goals we have as a civilization.

Just know that every act of creation that sticks around intrinsically creates a burden on the future to maintain it.

Acknowledge and respect that, but keep building.


A concrete example of this conflict that I've been wrestling with recently. I've been considering going all in on home automation. Zigbee devices and sensors everywhere managed with custom rules on Home Assistant. I want to get to the point where I don't ever have to touch a light switch.

However, I also recognize stories of others who have done this, and then died leaving their less technical spouse with an unmaintainable mess that gradually degrades and falls to Entropy. They eventually have to hire someone to rip it all out and revert to a dumb house.

By going all in on home automation, I'm creating debt for future me and my partner to maintain it all. At the moment, I'm not convinced that this act of creation will actually create enough value to justified the debt incurred.

This is exactly why I haven't automated my newest house. All the automation in my last one was net-negative to the buyer.

More code means more opportunities for things to go wrong, but I wouldn't go quite as far as saying that all code is tech debt, even though it makes for a good blog post title. Looking at all code in such a pessimistic light doesn't actually seem that useful. It might be one thing if there were adequate measures for "good code", but those hardly exist, or are dwarfed by inadequate measures that are entirely opinion-based. Less code than more might be as good as it gets, but I would rephrase the author's "To avoid technical debt, don’t write code" as "To avoid technical debt, write less code" (though perhaps "fewer codes" may be more grammatically accurate). Code is not bad, and tech debt isn't necessarily bad either. We code to accomplish things, and as much as I despise shitty codebases, even companies with a lot of tech debt often provide a lot of value to both customers and employees. In fact, I would say that tech debt in and of itself is no more a problem than monetary debt in real life, except when it's not being paid off and is collecting interest. We could not only write less code but actually pay off our tech debts, yet the structure of incentives and most companies hardly facilitates that.

I could argue that every mechanical thing will eventually fail, requiring a repair or a redesign and rebuilding. By that argument, every physical thing is technical debt.

The reality is that some things we use are joys to use, and other things are problems that we have to keep patching. Some cars are fantastic, good-performing, reliable tools that get the jobs done. Others are constantly breaking down and just might make it, sputtering, over the next hill.

I wonder how hard it would be to get major religions to endorse the concept that engineers who build useful, reliable, loved things are rewarded in the afterlife, while those who create things we all hate will be punished in the afterlife. Most religions already endorse the concept that we should serve our fellow man, and not cause needless suffering. Causing millions of hours of suffering for a paycheck is generally considered evil.

It's not THAT hard to start a new religion these days. Plenty of prior art. I mean look at Mormons, Scientology or you know.. the EA people.

The author is conflating a few different things.

All code and features are overhead. It requires maintenance when it breaks, or requirements change. It increases complexity when working on other parts of the system, as other new features have to ask "how does this interact with existing features?", even if the answer to that is "it doesn't". At Amazon one of the VPs had a rule of thumb that if a dev or team worked full-time on a new feature, they would be at 50% of their capacity after the feature was "done" for 3-12 months due to ongoing maintenance.

So yes, writing less code rather than more code for the same feature is good, generally. But all software requires some code, so the challenge is figuring out which code is necessary for which the maintenance and overhead costs are worth it.

Technical debt is a bit different; the code is there, but something about it makes it challenging to maintain. There's lots of reasons this can happen. Sometimes the business requirements change and the domain concepts or abstractions no longer make sense. Sometimes the technical requirements change and decisions made at the time are no longer the right ones, if they were ever right at all.

But the most common reason, in my experience, is that the people have changed. New people have come in, looked at existing systems and code, and either don't understand it or don't agree with how it was written from a personal stylistic point of view. Like a functional programming looking at a system that was designed with textbook OOP and calling that technical debt.

As you move into more senior technical positions or engineering management one of the bigger challenges is determining what's "real" technical debt that's worth tackling, versus what's perceived technical debt that's based on personal opinions.

And sometimes it can be difficult to tell when a complex solution is actually appropriate and not a candidate for being re-implemented.

Conversely: "The things you own, end up owning you".

A line of code is something you own. It makes you obligated to either maintain it or let it go. The only truly free development is greenfield development, where you can write whatever you want. And now you've got code you own, and you're in its debt.

So yeah, we can all live wonderfully free lives by writing no code, but that does tend to up our other debts, i.e. student loans, mortgages, etc.

Good code is not more code or less code but code that does what the customer actually wants it to do. The better we understand the customer's needs, the more we can write just the correct code. We can't always do that; often the customer themselves doesn't know what they need.

Regardless, the way out of this conundrum is to stop counting code, technical debt, or other ways of trying to make the human problem into a computer problem. The real problems are always out there, not in our repositories.

Sure I sometimes say features are assets but code is a liability. Usually as part of an argument against complexity that some engineers favor to be ready for speculative future circumstances.

Insightful articulation of the concept of technical debt (likening it to a financial loan) but it somewhat oversimplifies the nuanced and often non-linear nature of software development. I observe that technical debt is not always a straight trade-off between speed and future maintenance. Sometimes, what appears as debt could be a strategic decision aligned with evolving business goals or market demands. The article underestimates the dynamic nature of software projects where initial assumptions might change, making the so-called 'debt' a necessary step in the process of innovation and adaptation. This perspective fails to acknowledge that in certain scenarios, adhering too rigidly to best practices can lead to missed opportunities or an inability to pivot quickly in response to user feedback or changing market conditions.

Hang out with mechanical engineers and it won't be long until you hear, "best part is no part".

Best code is no code.

Early in my career I worked with an engineer more senior than me who was responsible for performance optimization. He once told me "the fastest thing you can do is nothing at all" which was his way of saying it is better to find unnecessary steps to eliminate rather than making necessary steps execute faster.

The code without code is the eternal code.

All other code requires updating dependencies.

Code isn't a product, code is the blueprint for the product. Have you heard mechanical engineers say "no blueprint is the best blueprint"?

I've heard "grinder and paint makes me the welder I ain't!"

Close enough.

this is why deleting code is so great. a lot easier time than the MEs too


Some of the managers decided that it would be a good idea to track the progress of each individual engineer in terms of the amount of code that they wrote from week to week. They devised a form that each engineer was required to submit every Friday . . . .

Bill Atkinson, the author of Quickdraw and the main user interface designer, . . . was just putting the finishing touches on the optimization when it was time to fill out the management form for the first time. When he got to the lines of code part, he thought about it for a second, and then wrote in the number: -2000. . . . they stopped asking Bill to fill out the form, and he gladly complied.

You mean a No Code Solution like PowerApps :)

Don't you just love clickbait blog articles that make no sense? HN sure does!

Even if you disagree with the article, I feel like the comments here are insightful.

I prefer to say that "code is a liability, not an asset." Liabilities are useful and help achieve goals (want a house, get a mortgage), but the code is not the goal. Code is a mechanism that achieves that goal, but more code becomes a drag.

I just read the essay and found the examples given interesting. I certainly believe there are valuable lessons to be learned from them. However, I don't think the content fully supports the claim made in the title.

It seems that the author's focus is on how things can become needlessly complicated, even when trying to implement a seemingly simple feature. However, citing only a few examples is not sufficient evidence. Could we not also consider instances where writing additional code could actually help reducing long-term technical costs?

Aside from this, I found the following points interesting:

> A technique for reducing technical debt when adding a new feature is to work within the constraints of existing assumptions, rather than adding new ones.

> Even when it becomes apparent after the fact that the feature isn’t performing as well as we anticipated, the typical approach is to do nothing. Part of this is the sunk cost fallacy. Often there is the hope that even if the feature isn’t used today, it will be in the future. But there’s also a legitimate reason for doing nothing. Removing a feature also has a cost, both in the development effort needed to cleanly remove it, and in potentially upsetting customers. So once a feature is added to a product, it is almost always there to stay.

I think code / coding is overrated. Coding is debt.

If we look at math / category theory we have functorial semantics, which means semantics (code) is auto-generated from syntax (design): https://www.algebraicjulia.org/assets/slides/nist-workshop-2...

If we look in another direction we see LLMs which (will one day) generate code from design.

If I look back those years in my career, I was always paid to write the same code all over again (lists, trees, tables, menus, user profiles, shopping carts, dashboards, heroes, apis, databases...), each time in a different context (given by the company) ... Such a waste of my time, and my employers money.

Today at least in the MVP / startup scene coding is debt / obsolete. Startups all should go no-code.

Later, after the startup phase, companies should focus _only_ on provably-correct, likely-correct understanding of their problem domain, on a design specific to their audience, and rapid iteration. The rest, coding, should be not no-code, but fully automatic yet provably correct (in the sense of total and partial correctness)

I hope, and I wish coding will be eliminated. It's a big fun writing machine code in Assembly, algorithms in C/C++, full-stack web apps in Ruby on Rails, and user interfaces in React.

But after a while it's not sustainable neither emotionally nor economically.

Do you really believe no-code applications mean there’s 0 code? You’re just relying on someone else’s code at that point, and have no ability to customize business logic.

I've ranted about this before. Everyone would like to have infinite time to write the best possible code and do everything right. In a business, particularly a time constrained or financially constrained one, the art of running the business entails deciding which corners to cut, what tradeoffs to make.

Ironically, startups hire inexperienced people who often over-peform but sometimes underperform. A less risky approach would be to spend more (cash or equity) to hire people who are more of a sure thing. This could be called "execution debt" but it is accepted as visionary and associated with believing in people and being able to sense talent.

Tech (architecture, code, devops, etc.) is no different. A highly skilled team will be able to make the right tradeoffs and cut the right corners.

Tech debt is usually what people call something that appears in hindsight to have been the wrong corner to cut, however one would need a time machine to understand why the decision were made and what was competing for time/attention/resources and why.

Engineering is the discipline of managing tradeoffs to create something.

When working with a codebase that appears to be technical debt, the important thing to ask is what the options are today to address it. It may be beautifully written, clean code that uses the wrong abstractions, or it may be a solid architecture with some ugly code and style that needs to be addressed. Lots of people have biases due to their own preferences, but the thing to rememeber is that chances are the code was not made by someone with infinite time and perfect knowledge.

Living is dying.

You should write a 15 minute-reading blog post about that. Make sure to do a summary. I think you could use this linked blog post as a template.

Put more directly: all choices are costs. Specifically, a choice is choosing to incur opportunity cost in order to realize some outcome.

E.g. Buying a sandwich so you can eat it to be full is choosing not to spend that $10 on anything else.

In durable and intellectual domains, choices can incur opportunity costs, but also lead to switching costs in the future. I've always understood technical debt to be the combination of opportunity costs and switching costs resultant from a specific choice that resulted in a durable physical or intellectual good.

In this way, technical debt is not a particularly complicated topic. The issue is that switching costs can be very high, and to eliminate the accumulated opportunity cost and switching costs of a previous decision, it is necessary to incur a new set of costs going forward.

There is no "debt", there is only cost. The idea that you can "owe" on a series of choices implies that you can "pay it back". This is false. You can make choices - some may be more costly than others both immediately and in the future - but all choices have costs always. To quote Rush, "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice".

Like quite a few people, to me the word "debt" doesn't naturally fit the problem of building code that will be harder to build on later.

For me, "technical debt" would be shipping a product that immediately starts consuming technical resources not associated with value production. Like a rickety distributed database that needs manual labor to fix regular corruptions.

That would seem analogous to debt. Not fully paying for what you have, resulting in continuous expense until the full payment is made.

Writing code without care for future work is a different problem. It is the "bad foundation" problem shared by design, engineering, construction, book stacking, ...

It has 1000 names: "Building on Sand", "Ticking Timebombs", "Bandaid Solutions", "Cutting Corners", "Short Term Fixes", "Playing Jenga", "Putting Lipstick on a Pig", "Haste Makes Waste", "Disaster Waiting to Happen", etc.

Living code is a foundation. Shoddy foundations are dangerous to build on & costly to fix. Don't build shoddy foundations.

No new terminology. You don't need a special strategy to explain this.

Tell your CEO they can get their enormous features yesterday, they just need to sign off on a "shoddy foundation" exception. Informally by email is fine. You are ready to unleashed the troops from responsibility for future mishaps! All you need is that little written record! Then presto. The coders are standing by, breathless, ready to party! (And preparing their resumes.)


I love the essay's point that each feature adds assumptions, and assumptions add complexity. The rub of remodeling.

There is this old notion that you should think of "lines of code spent to solve a problem", not of "lines of code produced".

I only skimmed through the article so I might have missed this part, but did the author consider picking up a few books about domain design or search some examples how do others implement such event organizing systems?

Because based on what I read, that seems to be his problem. He started implementing a system without having a good understanding of the domain's inherent problems and their common solutions. Not everything needs to be re-invented.

Even though I have never worked in this domain (event organizing) but still I could from the top of my head pull out one such example where a team went into great detail how to design and implement an event organizing system which answers most of not all the problems that the author faced: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/msp-n-p/...

Reading this article reminded me that we need to think more about the whole lifecylce of a software product. I usually make the mistake developing a product thinking that it will exist forever and new features will be added continuously. The truth is: Almost every software product has a point in time where it is obsolete. (Maybe except some really big enterprise solutions or OS libraries).

I see these phases for many small software product:

1. Development Phase (Features are added continuously)

2. Maintenance Phase (No features are added, compatibility is ensured and bugs get fixed)

3. End of Support Phase (Basically no development happens for the product any more.)

The second phase "Maintenance Phase" is usually much longer than the development phase for a successful product. The cost during this phase heavily depends on the amount of features, that were added in the first phase. So be careful what you develop, you need to maintain it for a long period of time and at one point in time it will be obsolete anyways.

Code which solves a well defined problem with the absolute minimal amount of logic necessary is not technical debt.

If a module is fully replaced later, it doesn't mean it was technical debt. Technical debt is characterized by its need to be refactored/modified in a way which is not backwards compatible. If a module can be substituted in its entirety with minimal changes which directly reflect requirement changes, then it wasn't technical debt.

Good code is about setting up components in a hierarchy which allows you to adapt to requirement changes by substituting modules as opposed to refactoring those modules.

Note that if you're adding features to an existing module, this does not count as a refactoring. Not if the module is backwards compatible with respect to its dependents. But of course when adding new features you want to stick to the minimalist philosophy so you need each module to have clear responsibilities.

I agree with many of this essay's points, but the flamboyant headline is a reductive way to view software (and a bit of a dangerous meme.)

Your job as an engineer is, amongst other things, to identify the (sometimes rare!) instances in which code creates leverage beyond the business value it creates. Good abstractions are valuable assets!

Ultimately, everything can be debt. If code is technical debt, a HR system or a process that you implement for the company at that particular point in time is also a debt (process debt? HR debt? debt nonetheless).

If we are trying to deliver fast by expediting software development and taking shortcuts (technical debt), another department can also do something similar (quick, our HR process is slow and cumbersome, implement that HR system) - which would solve the particular issues for the business at that particular point in time, but may not the needs of the business later on.

For software, the issue is that we believe we can introduce technical debts, that is, it is permissible to introduce and talk about technical debts. We wouldn't necessarily talk about implementing a new HR system often.

We think writing a line of code is fast (and define what "fast" means) but it isn't.

Yeah “code is debt” seems to be popular meme among the “thought leaders” these days. Somehow their baroque processes (eg scrum), nonsense okrs and out of touch roadmaps are never debt - curious, right?

This article seems to be more making the case that features are technical debt, sort of. And that's a valid point too. But it is so so easy for useless code to accumulate. At every company where I've worked as an engineer, I've ended up deleting lots and lots of code, far more than I ever write. Like, half of the codebase. Largely by applying static analysis to find code that clearly never worked, the confirming that it's not used (which is usually obvious or we'd be seeing crashes). Often times it's sad to see how long that code was maintained, with engineers wasting effort on migrating it as things changed, without ever questioning whether it's even needed.

I work with a FOSS product that has millions of lines of C. As a student, I would have been wowed by seeing these FOSS contributors each with +100,000 LOC in a single project. Now that I am more familiar how barely-functional the software is, with glaring architectural mistakes papered over by literally millions of LOC, I am more cynical.

"Contributing" 100K LOC by implementing a bespoke http.c and mysql_client.c in 2020 is almost never something to be proud of from a SWE and product perspective. Great for ego/NIH and job security though.

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

That's the thing. Not making the problem worse is fine and all, but most projects simply aren't removing enough. It's amazing that today's software functions as well as it does, and programmers today are lucky they can hitch a free ride on decent hardware.

In a thread elsewhere (mastodon, I think?) the idea of using a Copilot-like LLM as an assistant in removing code was suggested as * a way to use an LLM with less discomfort about model provenance (since you wouldn't be using anything it generated ) * a way to get over some user cynicism (waves) about whether an LLM usefully "models" the code.

Of course, at the time noone thought copilot could actually do any of that, but it was a few weeks ago and things are moving quickly.

Yeah. Refactors and rewrites (i.e. removing lots of code) are risky, but so is having critical CVEs and data loss events every year because of your insanely over-complicated architecture that has never been rethought in the past decade+.

It's a cultural issue where we think major faults "just happen" and are not directly tied to prior product decisions, and therefore there isn't much accountability.

But if you propose a major refactor, there is no question about (rightly) where the blame lies.

Modern software is so buggy, but it's considered the norm. I was talking to a non-technical person recently about that, and although they were at first puzzled by my view that most software is problematic, they realized that they experience the same bugs I complain about all the time. It's become so normal that people hardly notice it, but that doesn't make it better because bad software wastes human life time whether they realize it or not.

> But if you propose a major refactor, there is no question about (rightly) where the blame lies.

LOL Yep.

Worse is when the blame lies on the semi-technical cofounder of your company who, granted, achieved quite a lot on their own, wrote a barely maintainable mess. Do you really want to be the one to indirectly point out that his code needs to be replaced? Haha I think a lot of developers would rather wait for the Dilbert Principle to kick in so that the cofounder gets out of the way enough for significant changes to finally be made.

The author should really read Peter Naur's "Programming as Theory Building".

[0] https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/Naur.pdf

I like to think of technical debt with a counter balance of a “credit score”. Ie: as an organization, what is our ability and track record to manage complexity over time.

It’s not a perfect analogy, but the difference between a low interest rate mortgage and a high interest payday loan have parallels to the balance made in delivering software while limiting complexity. A developer that is a bit of a tornado, rapidly churning out new and exciting capabilities at the expense of reliability, brittleness, and complexity, will surely catch up with an organization sooner or later.

It's interesting to see someone putting a positive spin to technical debt. The level of technical debt you can afford taking on (technical risk) is heavily dependent on how you define technical debt at your company. You must understand how taking on a technical risk will have an impact in the current and future operation of the entire business/product/team. Not all technical debts are created equal, so to encourage people to see it as a positive thing or risk worth taking, without giving them this disclaimer is irresponsible.

> So to give a quick recap, as adding more code to a product will slow down development, we should view all code as technical debt.

Not a fan of this habit of taking a perfectly good technical term and redefining for another purpose; especially if there is already good, existing measures, such as code complexity.

Rather, than calling all new code "technical debt", how about every planned feature, as part of it's total cost calculation, include the incremental costs of any increased code and/or architectural complexity it introduces.

"I prefer my products to have less code in them." -- Can't remember what smarter person than I said it...

Conceptually, I think every developer eventually realizes that every line of code ends up adding maintenance cost, and potentially constraints on the future. "Technical Debt" is one way to think about it - if you don't have the resources to maintain. Otherwise, it's just a cost as others have pointed out.

Maintenance is harder than most people think: documentation, translations, tests, all are part of this cost.

Taking a useful concept and stretching it to an extreme in order to generate a counterintuitive-but-plausible soundbite is not the same thing as wisdom.

Other examples that come to mind are "a complete rewrite is always a mistake" (no, it just has different risks/rewards), "if you are reading this part of the docs, you are trying to be too clever" (your API is too much for my puny brain is it?) and "all functions are APIs" (no, my two-line string quoting func is not an API, actually).

> Taking a useful concept and stretching it to an extreme in order to generate a counterintuitive-but-plausible soundbite is not the same thing as wisdom.

That seems to describe most of the programming clickbait here. I could swear there used to be more discussion of startups . . .

Whether it is exactly the same concept as actual technical debt or not...

This makes a lot of sense to me, and explains why you always think "I can do better than that monster", and it does always feel better at first, then then inevitably grows to feel like a monster where it's hard to make any changes.

Especially when we are thinking about tools for developers, where developers are the users, libraries or web frameworks and such. Or even languages/ecosystems. A bunch of existing libraries/frameworks/platforms/ecosystems are a mess... surely we can do better! let's make a new thing!

This explains why we are always hopping to the new thing, and always convinced the new thing is better...

And the new thing is better and so much easier to work with, even though it doesn't have all the features the old thing did, but okay, we just need to keep building it out to encompass those features, using our much better sense of architecture and usability that we've proven we have because look how clean and simple and usable our first draft is!

Now, there is such a thing as better or worse designed, as the OP admits, poorly implemented or beautifully implemented. But... comparing the new thing that only has the most basic features and seems really elegant to the old thing that covers all the edge cases... isn't actually a good comparison to tel you which is better implemented. That new thing is going to get cruftier when you cover the edges, _always_.

And it shows that if you want to keep your thing feeling smooth and elegant and easy to work with.. you have to keep it as small as possible and resist all feature requests!

> For a feature to add value to your product, it needs to be useful to users. Features can have a negative value when the technical debt they add to your product outweighs the value they add to it.

Thinking of tools for developers where developers are the users... oh yeah it's true.

> A technique for reducing technical debt when adding a new feature is to work within the constraints of existing assumptions, rather than adding new ones

I would describe that as limiting the number of "concepts" inside your code... and definitely applies to libraries/frameworks/tools for developers.

This is a “when you think about it” argument. As in “humans are just tubes, when you think about it”.

Technical debt is a thorny issue already. Arguments like this don’t help.

> To avoid technical debt, don’t write code

I think there's some truth to this, but code isn't always written by software engineers and isn't always executed by computers. You might end up with crazy Excel macros, and/or arcane people-processes with single points of failure.

To "not write code" at all is probably to never move or do anything. Sure, you never lose if you never play, but you also never win.

My standard for tech debt:

- Unnecessary (too many or too heavy) dependencies that can be replaced by DIY code, or at least, smaller dependencies.

- Implementations that stray from the standard set by the rest of the code in the project or actual guidelines written by a project leader (e.g., we don't use jsdoc anywhere but a developer randomly crams it in during a copypasta).

- Over-complicated implementations that serve as an ego-pleasing flex for the author, but are impossible for even an experienced developer to reason through.

- Implementations that were done to service a single customer in pursuit of short-term revenue, or, that were rushed through due to manager/stakeholder panic and inevitably collide with one of the above.


Keep those three in check and you'll have limited issues.

Edit: a good talk by Oliver Reichenstein (of iA Writer fame) that helped me years ago https://vimeo.com/102343006 -- it's from a design perspective but has parallels to development. One quote of his that constantly pings in my head: "slow the fuck down."

In a similar vein I always try to convince colleagues that the best code is the one that is never written. As a close second the code that has been deleted. It has no bugs and doesn't need maintenance.

Working code may not require maintenance, but dynamic context often requires adjustment. How do you think we balance the flexibility and inherent stability of well-functioning code?

The way I see it: Code is an abstraction of reality. Reality changes continuously. Therefore all code is techdebt.

This is one of the reasons I oppose the “automate all the things” mantra.

The correct term is "technical liability".

I like to dive into a codebase the same way people do accounting for the finances of a company, the parallels always make sense.

If all code is tech debt then all employees are liabilities.

Well, IT/Engineering as a cost center is everyday corporate life.

I mean I have definitely felt like a liability before :p

"What do you mean, we have to pay health insurance for all of them?? Let's get the cheapest option available!"

Excuse my rule breaking, but holy shit this is crap.

without reading the article, the title is basically the thesis of every CIO/CTO who's drunk the koolaid and thinks moving to AWS somehow removes complexity. It trades complexity of code for grey problems and complex infrastructure/terraform/builds. Just a note - all extra AWS infrastructure over a simplistic minimum is technical debt.

I personally consider tech debt code that is hard to reason about, change, understand or not covered by unit test. I think the author just wanted to say something nonsense to go viral and get share/increase klout, but if the concept of code is symmetrical to the one of tech debt then the concept of tech debt is useless and we need something else to scope code that is hard to be worked on, and back to square one

Code is best reasoned about as a depreciating asset, not technical debt.

Please sign the rights to all your technical debt over to me. Thank you.

All code may be technical debt but the interest rate can vary.

I always tell people that deleted code is the best code.

Nah, some of it is an heirloom.

Any code _having_side_effects_ is technical debt. Pure functional code is innocent of any sin.

- "Technical debt" (usefully) divorces the idea of implementation velocity from business outcomes. You have a thirty year old system written in a language barely anyone understands anymore; but, its still generating profit for the business. This is technical debt; its "useful" to separate from business outcomes because it enables you to consider it as one factor, among many, to overall business outcomes, rather than prematurely co-mingling the two ideas.

- Similar to the generality "all code is technical debt" I'll make one of my own: "All technical debt is abstraction assumption failure". You've got an abstraction; you assume it behaves some way; it doesn't. You've got an abstraction; you need to add new functionality behind that abstraction; you assumed this is a good place or a good way to add this functionality; it isn't. The vast majority of technical debt is just this. There may be a couple more categories like "we can't hire people to work in this language" or even something like system performance, but the vast majority of technical debt is a failure of understanding of some abstraction.

- That previous statement does not assert that this is an invalid way of viewing technical debt. "Understanding" the code is literally the most important job of software engineers; less "engineer" and more "museum keeper" sometimes. I've never liked the term "bad abstraction" because it shifts the responsibility of being understood to the abstraction, and not the engineer. It encourages "code bad, rewrite" mentality. Sometimes that is the best course, but I think its always a bad idea to tackle that without understanding the abstraction, and if you understand the abstraction then you probably wouldn't be calling for a rewrite because its "bad"; you'll be calling it for more specific reasons.

- Unilaterally classifying all code as technical debt isn't just wrong; its asinine. "Technical debt" is a useful way of thinking about some code; if you remove that from your lexicon, you may start believing that all code either is or isn't technical debt. If all code is technical debt, your ability to think about the quality of code holistically, with its nuance, is reduced durastically. If you think no code is technical debt, you'll inevitably walk down the path of hyper-engineering perfect giga-systems that, even if they work flawlessly and satisfy all business needs, took way too long to build, cost way too much to run, and inevitably still confuse your replacement in six years.

All debt is credit. The only differences are who it is going to, and when.

So what should our goals be?

Less code means fewer features, which can make the UX path longer. More code means more features, which can make the UX path more confusing and strenuous. There is some kind of balance to be struck. The goal is for every UX path to be flexible and easy. Is that even possible? Can we have our cake and eat it, too?

> Adding new assumptions increases debt

There's the word I have been thinking about all week: "assumption". It's a tricky little bastard, and it really deserves more focus than it has any right to.

You see, that word is the heart of our problem. It's not the amount of code you write, the features you add, the way you design your UI/UX, or even how flexible your user configuration is. It's the assumptions themselves.

Assumptions are walls. Once an assumption has been added, it’s there to stay. It's easy to move an assumption around. Too easy! So easy that you move it without even knowing; but it is still there, lurking. No matter how hard you try to get rid of it, or to get around it, the assumption is guaranteed to stand in your path. Your only hope is that the assumption is there to guide you; its only other option is to guard you.

So what can we do about it? We can not. No need to get rid of something you never made in the first place, right?

But how do you make software that is unassuming? How can you make a tool without catering that tool to its intended work? How can you make a path without a destination?

There's something we have gotten notoriously used to as software engineers: a finished product. After all, what else would an engineer strive to make?

Finished products are things. Programs aren't. Programs are systems! Programs are stories. What kind of system is ever finished? I can only think of one: a dead one. At the end of its life, a system becomes cold, hard, sturdy, and complete; and the story meets its end. How did we ever convince ourselves that that is a worthy goal for software?

I'll tell you how: we assumed. That assumption has been lurking at the heart of software design ever since, and all we can do now is move it. It's time to start over.


This is where I answer my very first question: who? Who designs the software? Don't assume it's the engineer's job: it's the user's turn now.

The next question is, when? When does the user design their software? When they use it. Any time before that would make them an engineer.

What should our goals be? That's the best part! The user already knows her goal. That makes her precisely the right man for the job.


If you followed any of my rambling so far, you are probably asking yourself the most important question, "What could this possibly look like?" That's a good question. I have something really close to a coherent idea. If you would like to hear about it, feel free to ask.

some devs really have their heads up their own arse

we seem to believe we are craftsmen sculpting some work of art

code is just shit you write, means to an end, be it closing a ticket or going home. soon deleted ("deprecated") and replaced with new trendier shit.

> "we need to ensure we’re working on valuable features"

yeah valuable features are what your boss's boss needs to get their promotion and/or bonus.

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