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That RFC is accepted, and this is starting to happen.

Progress has been disappointingly slow, but the project is alive, and has potential to speed up next year.


> That RFC is accepted, and this is starting to happen.

> Progress has been disappointingly slow,

I don't think there's ever been a more concise summary of Rust.

LOL some people complain that Rust is moving too slow, and others that Rust is moving too fast and adds too many features. Can never make everyone happy...

Depending on the scenario, I don’t hear mutual exclusion there.

It can be moving too slow on important things, and too fast on unimportant or volatile things.

The problem is the things people think are important or unimportant is not universal.

Good projects with bad leadership die ever day.

Hopefully Rust has people with vision and drive in places to let it escape its niche status.

I just filled out the Rust survey [1] and may have done both—iirc there were checkboxes for missing features and concerns the language is getting too complicated. It's a hard balance to find.

[1] https://blog.rust-lang.org/2023/12/18/survey-launch.html

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