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Is there programmable mqtt broker out there?

Something that lets you integrate authentication with your auth provider and has built in multi-tenancy?

EMQX has several auth modules. We use the Mnesia auth module with HTTP API client id provisioning. They also have NanoMQ, a MQTT broker for IoT edge (on resource constrained devices). The documentation is also quite decent compared to this.


They have a community edition available as a docker image or packages for popular Linux distros.


We aim to be no worse than Emqx in this regard :) Planning to add auth modules support in the near future.

You should check out Solace's multi-protocol broker (free version: https://solace.com/downloads/) with support for MQTT, AMQP, SMF, REST, Websocket

It supports integration with OAuth, LDAP, Radius, ,...

Shameless plug since i'm a contributor but VerneMQ [1] is a pretty programmable one. You have options from using webhooks to writting your plugins in Lua or Erlang/Elixir.

* https://github.com/vernemq/vernemq

Not sure about multi-tenancy, but I’ve been using VerneMQ with the Postgesql auth backend.

Have a look at Apache Artemis

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