There are institutions like Medieombudsmannen and pressens etiksråd that work with enforcing the rules of press ethics in Sweden.
Your allegations against SVT is them spreading misinformation directly, the EU is investigation how Twitter as a platform handles misinformation being spread. It’s a different thing
Please show me where on the doll Jane Josefssons questions made you uncomfortable, lol
I've shown it to you on the 'doll', haven't I? I provided an English translation of the quote from Aktuellt, where they claimed that what was in fact an ethnic cleansing that was achieved through starvation and then artillery bombardment, that was left unmentioned over the many months over which it went on, was that 'Armenian separatists have agreed to leave Azerbaijan'.
I might well report it. I have in fact considered doing so, but it remains hypocrisy to spread disinformation while accusing others of doing so.
This is also quite special, since it is in fact support for ethnic cleansing. There is nothing more heinous, when it comes to pressetik, than what SVT have done.
Your allegations against SVT is them spreading misinformation directly, the EU is investigation how Twitter as a platform handles misinformation being spread. It’s a different thing
Please show me where on the doll Jane Josefssons questions made you uncomfortable, lol