That's an incredibly naive and short sighted view to take. What if one day, some activity that you now openly partake in, is condemned or made illegal and all people who partake in it are rounded up?
That might sound paranoid but history is replete with examples of oppressive regimes who captured, tortured and/or killed people they deemed subversive, immoral or unwanted.
One recent example that's perhaps not a cliche is Uganda, where very oppressive anti-gay laws are being passed and people in power are agitating for the death sentence for homosexuals.
What if gay Ugandan people followed your example and lived their whole lives openly on the internet?
That might sound paranoid but history is replete with examples of oppressive regimes who captured, tortured and/or killed people they deemed subversive, immoral or unwanted.
One recent example that's perhaps not a cliche is Uganda, where very oppressive anti-gay laws are being passed and people in power are agitating for the death sentence for homosexuals.
What if gay Ugandan people followed your example and lived their whole lives openly on the internet?