Ughhh.. I hate that word, especially when it refers to the protest acts like spaghetti on art, or slow march on a road delaying traffic etc... I think partly because it smells like a society that has started worshipping "traffic" or "business as usual" instead of doing that by deliberate choice.
Maybe this is splitting hairs but those just seem like classic non-violent protests instead of terrorism. Ecoterrorism is something like spiking trees so that loggers will get blasted with chainsaw shrapnel when they try to cut through a 1000 year old tree. Terrorism is of course a loose term but it generally requires some element of violent coercion. Throwing soup at a painting is obnoxious but children will not have nightmares over it.
If I recall correctly he waged harassment campaigns against individual people and their families that included death threats, showing up at their house in the middle of the night, and mailing them dead animals.