I just finished dealing with a very complicated pipeline for an online media management database. WebP is great except when it's not, and when it's not, it really sucks.
I'm going to go with a technical argument here instead of a subjective one, so there's no room for argument: WebP is billed as a replacement for PNG and JPG, and advertised heavily as being usable in both lossy and lossless modes for either. This is blatantly false. Alpha channel aside, PNG is, effectivelyᵗ, 32-bits per pixel, 8-bits for each of RGB. JPG is notably not; to make good use of compression in the frequency domain possible, RGB is usually converted from RGB to YUV/YCbCr. But JPEG lets you customize how this is done, and you can choose to use the default chroma subsampling of 4:2:0, upgrade to 4:2:2, or forego subsampling altogether and use 4:4:4 directly.
WebP is, experiments aside, always 4:2:0 in default/lossy mode (regardless of the tuning profile chosen). Screenshots, vector graphics, text w/ anti-aliasing applied, etc. look absolutely horrendous to the trained eye if converted from RGB or RGBA to YUV 4:2:0. WebP is unusable for png transcodes at any quality except in lossless mode.
I'm not hating on WebP - PNGs converted to lossless WebP are still a good bit smaller, at least for large sizes. But I absolutely despise how pathetically low and biased Google's benchmarks touting WebP as the be-all, end-all have been. And the toolchain is severely compromised, because you have to manually remember to specify lossless mode when compressing a PNG to WebP and that gets harder when it's an automated toolchain and the export is several steps removed from the input. And this becomes completely Mission Impossible™ when you have a lossless WebP and you want to generate a thumbnail from it because the heuristic is no longer "source extension is png" to determine if the output should be generated in lossless mode. IMO, the WebP toolchain *and all other toolchains like ImageMagick and libvips* should pass through the "lossless" property of WebP by default, because unlike with other formats, it tries too hard to be everything for everyone at once and will fall over on its face otherwise.
I said I wasn't going to talk about the subjective side, but I just want to say that even for tiny thumbnails, we've found that their WebP versions need to be generated with at least quality 90 to ensure they will all (regardless of source image) be usable on non-mobile devices (hi-dpi ameliorates but does not resolve the situation, it's just the fact that you see the pixels physically larger); the smoothing effect for detailed real-world photos (think warzone photos with smoke and haze in the air, odd lighting, etc) is way too extreme at lower qualities. Again, the quality:size ratio is still better than JPEG, but not to the extent that Google advertised it to be, but more importantly, if you took Google at its word you would find WebP to be altogether unusable to begin with.
(None of this was about converting already lossily compressed content into WebP; this is straight from source (where "source" is a lossless format like SVG, PNG, RAW, or something like a 24MP JPEG@Q95 being shrunk orders of magnitude) to WebP.)
I played around some with AVIF, HEIC, and JPEGXL. AVIF has some severe color management issues that need to be ironed out in the various toolchains, though HEIC is a lot better in that regard but its lack of compatibility now and in the foreseeable future just makes it a dead end; but JPEGXL appears to be a really solidly built image codec with great potential, kneecapped primarily by adoption.
ᵗ palletization can, but does not have to, affect this
I'm going to go with a technical argument here instead of a subjective one, so there's no room for argument: WebP is billed as a replacement for PNG and JPG, and advertised heavily as being usable in both lossy and lossless modes for either. This is blatantly false. Alpha channel aside, PNG is, effectivelyᵗ, 32-bits per pixel, 8-bits for each of RGB. JPG is notably not; to make good use of compression in the frequency domain possible, RGB is usually converted from RGB to YUV/YCbCr. But JPEG lets you customize how this is done, and you can choose to use the default chroma subsampling of 4:2:0, upgrade to 4:2:2, or forego subsampling altogether and use 4:4:4 directly.
WebP is, experiments aside, always 4:2:0 in default/lossy mode (regardless of the tuning profile chosen). Screenshots, vector graphics, text w/ anti-aliasing applied, etc. look absolutely horrendous to the trained eye if converted from RGB or RGBA to YUV 4:2:0. WebP is unusable for png transcodes at any quality except in lossless mode.
I'm not hating on WebP - PNGs converted to lossless WebP are still a good bit smaller, at least for large sizes. But I absolutely despise how pathetically low and biased Google's benchmarks touting WebP as the be-all, end-all have been. And the toolchain is severely compromised, because you have to manually remember to specify lossless mode when compressing a PNG to WebP and that gets harder when it's an automated toolchain and the export is several steps removed from the input. And this becomes completely Mission Impossible™ when you have a lossless WebP and you want to generate a thumbnail from it because the heuristic is no longer "source extension is png" to determine if the output should be generated in lossless mode. IMO, the WebP toolchain *and all other toolchains like ImageMagick and libvips* should pass through the "lossless" property of WebP by default, because unlike with other formats, it tries too hard to be everything for everyone at once and will fall over on its face otherwise.
I said I wasn't going to talk about the subjective side, but I just want to say that even for tiny thumbnails, we've found that their WebP versions need to be generated with at least quality 90 to ensure they will all (regardless of source image) be usable on non-mobile devices (hi-dpi ameliorates but does not resolve the situation, it's just the fact that you see the pixels physically larger); the smoothing effect for detailed real-world photos (think warzone photos with smoke and haze in the air, odd lighting, etc) is way too extreme at lower qualities. Again, the quality:size ratio is still better than JPEG, but not to the extent that Google advertised it to be, but more importantly, if you took Google at its word you would find WebP to be altogether unusable to begin with.
(None of this was about converting already lossily compressed content into WebP; this is straight from source (where "source" is a lossless format like SVG, PNG, RAW, or something like a 24MP JPEG@Q95 being shrunk orders of magnitude) to WebP.)
I played around some with AVIF, HEIC, and JPEGXL. AVIF has some severe color management issues that need to be ironed out in the various toolchains, though HEIC is a lot better in that regard but its lack of compatibility now and in the foreseeable future just makes it a dead end; but JPEGXL appears to be a really solidly built image codec with great potential, kneecapped primarily by adoption.
ᵗ palletization can, but does not have to, affect this