Jpeg-XL is light enough to not require hardware support.
Did you tried to transcode a PNG to avif? It's painful. Not the case with Jpeg XL.
Meanwhile I urge you to read this article. Jpeg XL has way more features than avif.
Hardware decoding can mean less battery usage, which is very big for end users.
I just don't think any of those features matter as much a battery life, most of them are about encoding speed which just seems wildly unimportant to me: encoding may be more work, but generally you view images far more than you make them, and admins and creators are in a better position to spend the time/effort to encode something, and hardware encoding may well end up making it a non-issue anyway.
People are out there running `zopflipng` and the like to try and get better sizes at the cost of more work at encode time, so it seems like that priority isn't just me.