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Is this article blaming covid vaccines?

It definitely implies so. It’s authored by Pierre Kory, one of the leaders of a small group called the “Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance”[1]. They promoted numerous non-solutions during the pandemic and seem to be generally discredited.

I’m really cautious about the conclusions in this article. It would be a big change for him to start making well reasoned, good faith arguments on this subject matter all of a sudden.


Certainly seems that way, and it's written by a guy who promoted ivermectin as a "wonder drug" and had his certification revoked by the American Board of Internal Medicine. WTF is this doing on HN?

Well it is being highly suggestive, to say the least.

> Dr. Pierre Kory, M.D., is president and chief medical officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

Just look him up.

If that is implied, it is verifiably false. In the EU we had higher Covid vaccine coverage, including coverage with all vaccines given in the U.S., plus one more which wasn't given in the U.S. and which is also the only one with known adverse effects - AstraZeneca's. And we don't have any excess mortality now. So it's certainly not vaccines.

Seems still higher some countries and lower in others. I'm not familiar with the country codes, so if someone is maybe enlighten me. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php...

higher on average and lower in some eastern Europe countries

Do you have a source on those claims?

All I can find is Europe experiencing excess death:


And similarly, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have 1/1000 rate of serious adverse events:


A pro-active study of Pfizer from Thailand observed 1 in 35 showing elevated bio markers of heart damage:


That rate looks not-statistically significant in that study. And also not too “serious” (in layman’s terms, not medically speaking) as the baseline rate for the placebo was 18/10000 (the 1/1000 is a delta value above that)

It seems the article was going to say it was an increasing drug-use (opioid) and mental health epidemic in the US (which seems likely true). Then took a left turn and blamed the deaths of middle aged people on getting a Covid vaccine as a baby—citing a yale study on side-effects that showed people were more depressed and anxious post-vaccination than they expected as “evidence” that the vaccine was contributing to excess mortality

does anyone regret not getting it?

I imagine those who died have some regrets.

Some also took the vaccine and died. Those that took the mRNA treatment and died as well as those that didn't take the experimental drug and died both regret it.

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