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Litellm proxy is a pretty good project on its own. I am obviously biased because we are competitors. Here are my thoughts.

* Litellm is declarative and it let you define everything in yaml * Bricks is not declarative and you control everything via API

* Litellm does not have an UI * Bricks has a non open source UI

* Litellm is written in python * Bricks is written in Golang

* Litellm does not persist rate limits. Therefore can't accurately rate limit across distributed instances * Bricksllm let you create API keys with accurate rate limits and spend limits that work across distributed instances

* Litellm provides high level spend metrics on API keys * Bricks provides granular spend, request and latency metrics breakdown by model and custom id

* Litellm is not compatible with OpenAI SDK. You have to adopt Litellm python client * Bricks is designed to be compatible with OpenAI SDK

* Litellm only supports OpenAI completion and embedding * Bricks supports almost all OpenAI endpoints except image and audio

* Litellm has exact request caching * Bricks does not have caching as for now

* Litellm has OpenTelemetry integration * Bricks has statsd integration

* Litellm supports orchestration of API calls. When this API call fails, use this model or call this API endpoint instead * Bricks does not support orchestration of API calls since I believe that it is something that the client should handle

LiteLLM proxy (100+ LLMs in OpenAI format) is exactly compatible with the OpenAI endpoint. Here's how to call it with the openai sdk:

``` import openai

client = openai.OpenAI( api_key="anything", # proxy key - if set base_url="" # proxy url )

# request sent to model set on litellm proxy,

response = client.chat.completions.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages = [ { "role": "user", "content": "this is a test request, write a short poem" } ])


``` Docs - https://docs.litellm.ai/docs/proxy/quick_start

hi i'm the maintainer of litellm - we persist rate limits, they're written to a DB: https://docs.litellm.ai/docs/proxy/virtual_keys

- LiteLLM Proxy IS Exactly Compatible with the OpenAI SDK

Update: Litellm is compatible with OpenAI SDK

Thank you, I appreciate the earnest and thoughtful reply!

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