Almost ten years ago, I gave a lightning talk about Overtone (Clojure mappings for SuperCollider). I used "vim-fireplace" to connect to cider-nrepl and had a pretty good experience being able to quickly eval sexps in Vim.
I'm sure this is wildly outdated by now - I'd be shocked if there wasn't something halfway decent in the NeoVim ecosystem.
I will say, though, that during a brief flirtation with Spacemacs, I absolutely loved the Clojure integration - emacs just feels like it's more "at home" with lisps. Some of the most satisfying programming experiences I've had, honestly.
Yeah, it’s annoying that paredit is “complected” with Clojure and lisp modes in other editors. This is one of the major things keeping me in emacs: it’s relatively trivial to mash up pre-existing emacs functionality ad hoc; other editors tend to precombine features in arbitrary ways.
I'm sure this is wildly outdated by now - I'd be shocked if there wasn't something halfway decent in the NeoVim ecosystem.
I will say, though, that during a brief flirtation with Spacemacs, I absolutely loved the Clojure integration - emacs just feels like it's more "at home" with lisps. Some of the most satisfying programming experiences I've had, honestly.