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Almost ten years ago, I gave a lightning talk about Overtone (Clojure mappings for SuperCollider). I used "vim-fireplace" to connect to cider-nrepl and had a pretty good experience being able to quickly eval sexps in Vim.

I'm sure this is wildly outdated by now - I'd be shocked if there wasn't something halfway decent in the NeoVim ecosystem.

I will say, though, that during a brief flirtation with Spacemacs, I absolutely loved the Clojure integration - emacs just feels like it's more "at home" with lisps. Some of the most satisfying programming experiences I've had, honestly.

As a Vim user I agree. Spacemacs is an excellent Clojure dev environment.

The spacemacs / emacs feature I miss constantly in Vim / VsCode is "slurp/barf" - which is amazing useful in plenty of contexts that aren't s-exps.

Yeah, it’s annoying that paredit is “complected” with Clojure and lisp modes in other editors. This is one of the major things keeping me in emacs: it’s relatively trivial to mash up pre-existing emacs functionality ad hoc; other editors tend to precombine features in arbitrary ways.

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