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I don't label myself conservative. Conservatives also exhibit this behavior, but it is seen as more "socially acceptable" to do this under the banner of liberal values.

To address your point, I am not disputing Duke's _right_ to make purchasing decisions for any reason they like.

But it is still stupid and childish. I'm calling that out.

> Why should you care about Duke’s organizational disruption anyway? It’s a private school and you don’t work there.

Because Duke is attempting to normalize toxic behavior. They think this is going to help. It won't.

This behavior might achieve "compliance" but it doesn't actually move the needle. It's why places like San Francisco appear to support underserved communities, but when push comes to shove they blockade housing initiatives.

This is almost certainly some liberal, white woman's way of looking like a good person without having to risk anything. After work it's back to the gated community!

Ok, I fully understand your point of view now. I also agree that you can’t be labeled as conservative.

We will finish the discussion here with your final key points:

1. Duke’s behavior is more societally acceptable because the libs agree with it

2. San Francisco is bad and run poorly by the libs

3. This is probably something a lib white woman thought of

I totally agree, you definitely aren’t anything like the a mainstream conservative. Perhaps you identify as a libertarian-leaning independent instead.

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