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People who commit crimes and are held accountable deserve a second chance.

In this context, you're looking at the "hold him accountable" phase of that process.

You are implying here that having and expressing an opinion on social policy is worth "holding someone accountable" for. Be careful with that hammer. It feels righteous to wield until the acceptable opinion changes in a way you don't agree with.

Also, this kind of thing may be a net benefit for DHH. It's publicity. Time will tell.

Yes, I agree. I believe accounting for the prevailing attitudes of the times is called "living in a society."

We all do it. Some hills are worth dying on some are not.

I came of age in the technical space in a generation that felt that it didn't matter if you had a secret shrine to Hitler as long as you could code a performant file system. It's refreshing to have seen the pendulum swing away from that extremism. Perhaps because too many of us have borne witness to the monsters taking those performant file systems and using them to coordinate violent attacks on innocent people.

But perhaps more importantly... He's not just espousing an opinion. A chief officer is speaking as an executive of a company. Always.

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