This is awesome! So much cleaner and easier to navigate compared to to UG, it isn't even funny. So much easier to navigate and focus on what's important. Thanks for sharing!
I added it to my Awesome Privacy Front-ends[1] list, hope that's okay!
Why does Wikipedia need one? The alternative project doesn't seem to explain this. (In fact, none of them do, but I can probably guess what's bad about most of them if I don't already know).
Among other things, it implements a whole new interface[1] that removes the "nagging" from Wikipedia. It also removes all tracking. The interface was a lot cleaner and was completely JavaScript-free until a few months ago, which is why I added it to the list.
While I personally don't mind the default Wikipedia website and actually prefer it, I can see why some people would want something more "modern".
I added it to my Awesome Privacy Front-ends[1] list, hope that's okay!