Surprised nobody has mentioned this yet: Apple is buying Valve. Creating a new "Apple Gaming" wing of the company. Valve + Steam + GameCenter + AppleTV + Steambox === AMAZING. Launches with HL3 exclusive.
Like MS did with Bungie and the Xbox, only classy and aluminum.
Saying this not because there is any evidence of this, but because I want this so bad. shutupandtakemymoney.png
For the record, if Apple buys Valve, I'll never buy another Valve game again. If they make HL3 a Mac exclusive, I'll publicly burn (nonessential parts of) my paperweight of a Mac Mini in protest.
I was thinking HL3 Exclusive to the new Apple TV / Steambox device... but only for a month or two.. then a full pc release.
I have an xbox but not an Apple TV... seems redundant as I'd mostly use the Apple TV for netflix and the Xbox already does that. If Valve releases a steambox, and Apple releases a new Apple TV I'll be in the same place I am now... But if they were the same box? Win.
As a consumer I am fundamentally opposed to exclusive distribution deals. Also, Valve is still primarily a PC gaming company. I neither own nor want any "console" other than my HTPC, desktop PC, and gaming laptop. If Valve ever treats PCs as second class citizens, I doubt I'll be alone in mourning (and protesting) the loss of one of the last great PC gaming giants to the Dark Side.
That said, a SteamBox unadulterated by Apple's shiny poison would be cool, as long as PCs get releases on the same day.
Like MS did with Bungie and the Xbox, only classy and aluminum.
Saying this not because there is any evidence of this, but because I want this so bad. shutupandtakemymoney.png