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Is US on the Verge of 'Catastrophic' UFO Leak? What We Know (newsweek.com)
2 points by madspindel on Nov 23, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I think the sum total of this article is that nothing new is known about any of this, that it is still either a large pile of trash dedicated to distracting the public from something, or alternatively, it is all real and there are alien space ships locked up in nevada waiting for jeff goldblum and will smith to fly them into space.

the answer to questions in headlines is always "no"

to say it in zeihans words:

- if it was star-wars like society out there, we'd know because either some traders would start exploiting us, or the empire would show up with a fleet and they wouldn't be subtle.

- if it was like star-trek, they'd keep their distance until we'd get our stuff together and have a unified world order

- if space travel was easy, we'd see the occasional trader in central park, selling us the equivalent of glass pearls, upending our economy

- if space travel is hard and they'd use something like the jump gates in cowboy beebop, they'd be protecting their property and whoever was in power wouldn't be missed, because there would be all kinds of power demonstrations out there.

- as long as the stock market isn't reacting, I'd just ignore all the ufo stuff

To OP since they post a lot of UFO items: Don’t get your hopes up. I’ve been reading UFO headlines like this for 50+ years. Nothing ever happens.

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