@ralphsaunders we really appreciate the honest feedback. Hall is collaboration for your company and team. Our current product is the War Room which enables team collaboration (chat, video, file sharing, rt notes) all in one place.
We hope you'll give us another chance by creating a war room for your team and letting us know what you think. Thanks! brett @ hall-inc.com
Apparently it's exactly like SGI InPerson, without the 3D model sharing and 15 years later :) Actually it looks pretty neat and it's great that we finally have all features from my Indy on modern systems :)
I'd recommend changing the hero text on your main site's home page to something like "Hall is collaboration for your company and team, all in one place" from the current "Working Together in War Rooms Doubles Teams' Productivity", then.
"War rooms" as a concept already exist outside the context of your app; when I first saw the site, I didn't understand how the statement connected to your app. I thought it was just a generic statement about war rooms, which was confusing.
We hope you'll give us another chance by creating a war room for your team and letting us know what you think. Thanks! brett @ hall-inc.com