How about instead of downloading a zip file I git clone the tutorial files from github (doesn't have to be github obviously but a git server of some kind). Seems like the natural way to go considering the topic.
A combination a bootstrapping issues (arguably minor, of course) and the minor complexity of building the package, plus the workshop-friendly approach contribute to the zip directory distribution method.
I found it really annoying that hitting 'l' or the right arrow took me to the next page; among other things, that meant that when I hit Ctrl-L to get to my address bar and copy the link, it advanced to the next page.
Regarding the table of contents, it took a while to realize the text was clickable. Also I would prefer the arrows to show what they go to. For example "up next: Checking Status"
I don't know whether that would break the design, but it makes it more usable in a motivating sort of way, "oh boy committing is next!"
All in all, I agree with the learn by doing, so very nice job and thanks for all the good work!
I agree on all parts - a clickable 'up next' link on the top right, and also a clickable 'previously you learned' link on the top left. Wording should change to fit the layout, of course.
Also some sort of hint that the ToC is clickable, I didn't realize that at first either.
Also, it strikes me that the entire guide should be put on GitHub - did I miss somewhere where it says it is?
All in all this is a great resource along the lines of - which is useful, because the mostly brain-dead students at my university tend to take FOREVER to learn DVCSs. I can't tell you how many times I've had to explain that you really only need to 'git clone' once unless you are checking to make sure you got everything 'right' with the push.
It seems to leave out some important information. Eg. It refers to HEAD many times, but never seems to explain what this is? I can find out what this is easily enough elsewhere, but from my immersion so far I feel that it should be explained.
I really like the site though and have bookmarked it for later, and I will definitely try out the rest of it. Well done and thanks.
Awesome intro! Guide looks amazing! Just a a few small things: the Install Git on Windows button on the home page should point to directly. Msysgit also comes with a GUI (that I personally appreciate that one more than tortoisegit).
I'll add that with the GUI you don't know exactly what GUI menus correspond to what Git commands, and therefore you can't be sure exactly what the behavior will be when you click that button.
Frankly, after you've used git regularly for a week, you'll find that there are two or three commands that you use constantly and never have to think about, and a small set of other commands that you'll have to look up the first half dozen times you use them.
It's about 200 pages but it really, really helped me internalize how git works. Each git feature/command is explained with a use case and a clear illustration of what's going on.
The online version is free and it's available as a PDF, epub, and mobi.
A thousand times yes. It's about as user-friendly a git resource you're going to get.
I would recommend having progit open when reading the man pages. Git get's a lot of stick for having impenetrable documentation, but once you have have the vocab internalized it becomes a lot simpler.
My reaction was: what havoc is this going to do? and spent 20 minutes learning what the issues were. The manual at doesn't say what the default is, but I feel safe in assuming the default is not to tamper with the original files. The git author's reputation inspires trust :-).