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Tracking everything, Placeme is the smartphone assistant of the future (gigaom.com)
4 points by jh3 on April 12, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

How sad is it that the ecosystem around mobile apps is so poisonous and anti-user that something like this gets called "creepy" when it doesn't broadcast this data anywhere.

All the language around this is similar: "give up privacy" (giving it up to who?), "scariest and amazingly futuristic".

I creep a bit towards the zealot side when it comes to privacy and having large amounts of personal data on someone else's servers but this sounds like a great app.

I know users shouldn't have to understand technical details but at the very least they should be educated in the difference between "your phone collects data" and "your phone sends your data to someone else". Technical journalists should understand the difference though, so I'm blaming the author for confusing the issue completely.

It is pretty clear these days that in north america where we all borrow our phones from carriers that lock us out of them it makes some sense to distrust your mobile phone but carrier IQ or similar malware would already be able to report all this data.

If you care about privacy then shouldn't we be celebrating apps that store our data locally instead of putting them in the "cloud" for no reason than to monetize the personal data? Even if you disagree, the difference has to be acknowledged.

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