Do you honestly think no AI advancement will fix those limitations? That LLM's or their successors will just never reach human level no matter how much compute or data are thrown at them?
No, we won't. Not in either of our lifetimes. There are problems with infinitely smaller problem spaces that we cannot solve because of the sheer difficulty of the problem. LLMs are the equivalent of a brute force attempt at cracking language models. Language is an infinitesimal fraction of the whole body of work devoted to AI.
>> Do you honestly think no AI advancement will fix those limitations? That LLM's or their successors will just never reach human level no matter how much compute or data are thrown at them?
It has not happened yet.
If it does, how trustworthy would it be? What would it be used for?
In terms of scope, it's already left the most highly-skilled people a light year behind. How broad would your knowledge base be if you'd read -- and memorized! -- every book on your shelf?