China. They able to mass produce Boeing spare parts and also built their own planes cheaper at same or at least better quality to eat into Boeing market worldwide. Those ransom would be way cheaper to pay than losing 20Bil usd over then next 8 years (I have done analysis how bad this will affect Boeing revenue). I forsee Boeing going downhill in the next 20 years ala Nokia-Blackberry style. I already dump their stock just before those crashes. Extreme poor decision.
Brand new account and you're using it to criticize a victim not paying an extortionist ransom? I hope you don't think you're going to change anyone's mind, least of all boeing. and if you are expecting any direct gains from that ransom - or any cryptolocker-style parasitism - I hope you understand that there are a great many people out there, with numbers increasing geometrically every time this sort of thing happens, who will gladly vote for anyone with a plan to throw people like you into a sewer. Or sign up to do it themselves. retroactively, with no statute of limitations, if need be.