Dude I love how passionate you are about this project. I see you in every GPT thread. Despite all this tech there are so few projects out there trying to make large-repo code editing/generation possible.
I think that's mostly because most people are skeptical about trusting people with IP.
If there was a way to prove that the data was not being funneled into openai's next models, sure, but where is the proof of that?
A piece of paper that says you aren't allowed to do something, does not equate to proof of that thing not being done.
Personally I believe all code work should be Open Source by default, as that would ensure the lowest quality code gets filtered out and only the best code gets used for production, resulting in the most efficient solutions dominating (aka, less carbon emissions or children being abused or whatever the politicians say today).
So as long as IP exists, companies will continue to drive profit to the max at the expense of every possible resource that has not been regulated. Instead of this model, why not banish IP, make everything open all at once and have only the best, most efficient code running, thereby locating missing children faster, or emitting less carbon, or bombing terrorists better or w/e.