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Removing the ads doesn't remove the personalized tracking AFAIK. The personalized tracking remains AFAIK.

And what's the definition of tracking? It's not clear to me if links 1,3,4 are related to personalized tracking. For example, is TikTok remembering what videos you wanted for how long and showing you recommendations based on your watch history personalized tracking?

The whole discussion is about banning the tracking, not ads. Tracking is defined in GDPR as storing personal information without consent or necessity.

> is TikTok remembering what videos you wanted for how long and showing you recommendations based on your watch history personalized tracking?

Yes, if I did not give consent to create a profile on me.

>The whole discussion is about banning the tracking, not ads.

That's not how I interpreted the conversation. The article says:

>a ban imposed by non-EU member Norway on "behavioural advertising" on Facebook and Instagram

That seems to be banning tracking for ads, but tracking for timeline suggestions and friend suggestions would still be allowed.

And the comment I replied to seemed to be about ads:

>>But are personalized Facebook ads really an example of this?

The reason for the ban is GDPR. And it's not about ads but consent.

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