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> But Google and Meta in particular have an amazing 15 year track record of basically never leaking user data.

I disagree with almost every sentence in your post, but want to point out this one as it is specifically very surprising to me. There are two ways Meta is a giant leak of user data. First, it just sells user data to third parties, and it was extremely lenient with this in the past. Maybe that was the worlds biggest leak of user data, which we now know was likely instrumental in winning certain elections. Talking about harm...

Second, there actually were cases where hackers got their hands on facebook data. My personal phone number is probably leaked by this. I made the mistake of using my phone number for 2fa. iirc sensitive data from about 500 million user accounts were leaked.

I'm not sure about google but Meta is a leaking like a sieve.

> First, it just sells user data to third parties

I very much doubt that this is true, and if it is, it needs a source.

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