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Not at all.

Sincerely asking, does your question intend to pre-suppose that everyone must have and express a unique perspective and no one can independently have anything in common? Or some other faux pas such a comment would run a-foul of?

When I saw original post, I had this comment. There was kinship with the parent post. Sometimes echoing your support with another comment is a valid comment too.

If you may want more novelty and context and details:

My professional experience includes working across multiple industries of bureaucrats, and that was my visceral reaction to the piece. Change usually means studying change, analysis, design and ultimately decision fatigue by committee.

There's many hard working and great bureaucrats. My statement tends to apply to the leadership and management layers. In terms of keepign things the same or very slow and tiny changes incrementaly, there's a lot of neat reading around institutionalization as it relates to not only government but bureaucracy here.

An exciting part is how the pandemic challenged and made it OK for bureaucracies to try things and to roll out programs that weren't fully thought out or known and update them regularly. In environments many people could not handle navigating.

Most of all I'm flattered by the downvotes.. happy to take those for the parent too. Perhaps I phrased it in a way that might have triggered some bureaucrats since they exist in enterprise, government, education, healthcare and more.

Or maybe it bothered the dopamine seekers in only novel and unique comments have worth.

>that was my visceral reaction to the piece

Comments here are supposed to be substantive and thoughtful, not knee-jerk and visceral.

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