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Occasionally I enjoy viewing the HTML of websites to try to deduce what web framework they are using. I couldn't figure it out for this one, but here are some things that I find interesting:

- On line 90 of the homepage, there is a single script called `document.createElement('main');`

- The website uses the `<picture />` tag to support multiple sources for images

- script.js on the website has ANSI art of the US flag (https://ai.gov/wp-content/themes/static/ai46/assets/js/scrip...)

You answered your question with your third point's URL ('/wp-content/themes/[...]') - they're using WordPress. :)

Wordpress isn't really a web framework, it's a CMS with custom built themes which may include various frameworks.

CMS: WordPress

UI: USWDS: https://designsystem.digital.gov/

Source: Wappalyzer

I do too!

I cracked open an internal tool we had one of the big consulting firms build for us to see why it sucked so much. In one of the header elements they had hardcoded the URL for a QA site they built for a large car dealer. Fun stuff.

America is so patriotic, we put our flag into a script.

To quote Jeremy Irons playing Simon Gruber from Die Hard With A Vengeance, "HAH! God, I love this country!"

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