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> "America's global brain drain might have been the single most effective strategy"

The website has a section titled "Bring your AI Skills to the U.S.", and then a button with this label "Learn about pathways to work in the U.S.".

This is very encouraging. And it reminded me of Eric Schmidt's recommendation on this topic [1], which was published on the final report of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence:

Chapter 10. Page 178:

"Nations that can successfully attract and retain highly skilled individuals gain strategic and economic advantages over competitors." [...] "Unfortunately, international students in the United States are increasingly choosing to study in other countries or return home. One reason is the growing backlog of green card petitions. Indian immigrants face a particularly long wait. Many will spend decades on constrictive work visas waiting to receive their green cards, hindering both the technology sector’s ability to recruit talent and Indian immigrants’ quality of life."

The report recommends to focus on building better Immigration Policies. Maybe this .gov initiative listened to the advice from the report.

[1]: https://www.nscai.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Full-Report...

Yea I think it's more that Schmidt believes that AI is the force-multiplier of any existing system of power in the world today, and whatever it takes the US needs to continue to fuel it.

But he also seems to understand the labor/intelligence relationship to get there better than anyone else. I really missed him when he left Google, Sundar is a pail shadow.

I find that very interesting given Eric Schmidt took citizenship in Cyprus, and to my knowledge, not because he has any prior tie to that country. If he really believed in the U.S. then he shouldn’t be getting late-in-life (post-billionaire) citizenship elsewhere.

When you are a billionaire the greatest thing you can afford is self-contradictory behavior.

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