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You haven’t made any specific points, so what do you feel I’m claiming you are wrong about?

Fine, I will spell it out for you.

> My take is that 99% of the men on there are immature man children whose life is a mess.

This is a completely ridiculous take. You sound like an asshole saying this. Have you met 99% of men using dating apps?

> was able to date a different attractive women every night if I wanted to

Statistically you are in the 90th percentile of attractiveness for men or you are lying. Either way your experience is highly atypical.

> If you want a good partner you have to be one. An app can’t do it for you.

This is a truism that doesn’t address or refute the many stated problems with dating apps.

> the quality of my dating experience depends entirely on me.

This is also a truism and completely moronic. I guess non-white people and disabled people, etc. who have a statistically more difficult time finding a partner on dating apps should just stop being so unattractive!

> Women actually have a worse time on these apps then men

We already discussed but this is irrelevant as to whether the experience is good for men.

> because despite lots of matches the guys all have serious issues they aren’t willing to admit or work on

What do you define as “lots of matches”? Because statistically the lower 50th percentile of men get like one or two matches a week, who are often below their standards of attractiveness. They surely aren’t dating “attractive women every night”.

TL;DR go read Dataclysm by Christian Rudder as well as many other studies and criticisms of dating apps because you are delusional about how dating apps work

Not the parent, I still think my input might be interesting.

>> My take is that 99% of the men on there are immature man children whose life is a mess.

> This is a completely ridiculous take. You sound like an asshole saying this. Have you met 99% of men using dating apps?

I agree with this. Attraction doesn't run strongest on moral lines. In my interactions it ran strong on playfulness/teasing/vibe, optimism/hope/dreamy, emotional safety, adventure/leading and intellectual connection. A protective bad boy that knows a thing or two about sounding interesting but is a mess otherwise would be attractive for the same 4 reasons (and then some).

> Statistically you are in the 90th percentile of attractiveness for men or you are lying. Either way your experience is highly atypical.

There are more options. I'm definitely not in the 90th percentile of attractiveness and my experience is atypical as well. I'd like to encourage you to keep an open mind.

>> If you want a good partner you have to be one. An app can’t do it for you.

IMO this is more relationship advice than advice to attract someone. I know many men that are good partners, but they're not good at the attracting step. Once they attracted someone it goes swimmingly.

>> the quality of my dating experience depends entirely on me.

> This is also a truism and completely moronic. I guess non-white people and disabled people, etc. who have a statistically more difficult time finding a partner on dating apps should just stop being so unattractive!

A decade ago I saw a talk of Sean Stephenson (RIP). He had an amazing dating life. I figured that if he could do it then anyone could.

You still haven’t said anything contradicting what I said. I was providing info about how specifically to stop being so unattractive ;-)

But for clarity, I was talking about women’s experience from the perspective of my women friends, and what other men on dating apps are like to point out that there is actually no real competition for men on these apps. Most women are just not finding anyone that doesn’t obviously suck. The bar to beat, that most guys are totally failing at, is to seem more attractive than just being alone! That’s a painful truth for guys facing chronic rejection, and me just pointing it out will make them angry, but it’s the truth. I can barely believe the stories I hear about the shitty dates these women do end up going on… makes me feel sorry for them.

Again, you are just literally, materially wrong. I thought you were a troll at first but reading through your other comments on Tinder, women, and dating, I think you actually do believe that since something worked for you it should work for everyone. And if it doesn’t, that means they are a bad person or something. Truly wild.

You certainly have a lot of charisma and charm. I’m shocked that nobody would date you.

More evidence of your complete and total lack of reading comprehension - I am dating someone who I did not meet through a dating app, and mentioned that in a comment above.

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