The attempts at character assassination are a natural side effect of his profit-hostile activism.
The attacks on his character and the noisy tantrum Google had over AGPL a few years ago (e.g. even banning it from their own version of github for a while) are manifestations of the same desire to see him and his movement nullified.
It's funny because the GPL is not anti-profit, as there's two very natural models for it: one where you sell commercial licenses for people who can't use GPL software, and one where you sell support and development contracts for it.
It isnt anti the concept of profit, it just had the effect of chewing through a lot of profit margins. The GPL was responsible for breaking Microsoft's desktop OS monopoly, for instance.
A watered down FSF run by an inoffensive do-nothing would be a better outcome for big tech than leaving him in charge. Hence the all the attempts to cancel him, including via cynically hijacking #metoo.
The attacks on his character and the noisy tantrum Google had over AGPL a few years ago (e.g. even banning it from their own version of github for a while) are manifestations of the same desire to see him and his movement nullified.