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This is good feedback on writing a clear message - I appreciate it.

The goal of this project is to build a superb developer experience around analytical databases. I think that is one of Snowflake's (many) value propositions. It is also a goal for users to be able to have full control of their data, how it is processed, and be able to make economical use of their compute.

This project does not have a goal of matching anyone else's features. But of course, as we grow, we'll end up building things which are important to enterprises.

Calling it "Open-Source Snowflake" implies you are trying to be a drop-in replacement for Snowflake for at least a subset of features, SQL syntax, etc.

I too was confused by the title. If it doesn't support feature-parity, nor approach the problem space from the same perspective as Snowflake, I don't think it's the open source version.

Snowflake started as cloud-first (elastic) data warehouse. DX came later.

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