These are multi redundant and generally hospital patient monitoring systems have additional batteries of their own to make sure people don't die, and in the case of a major clusterfuck there are emergency procedures in which it's specified how power will be restored assuming a grid and backup generator failure (usually it involves the fire department shuttling a generator pack to the hospital site).
With engine failures in aircraft however, the consequences can be way more dire - particularly in GA where it's (at least in the US) even being allowed to fly without a license at all (Part 103 ultralights), and forget about regular legit simulator training on what to do in that case.
With engine failures in aircraft however, the consequences can be way more dire - particularly in GA where it's (at least in the US) even being allowed to fly without a license at all (Part 103 ultralights), and forget about regular legit simulator training on what to do in that case.