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This really resonates with me – yeah, the supposed API-driven engineering company, makes it no longer possible to automatically provision domain names for its "valuable" cloud computing customers?

What possible end could that serve? I am baffled by the idea that succeeding via open access to their infrastructure is not a serious long-term goal for Google.

For a company who ostensibly is existentially interested in developing at least one meaningful complement to it advertising business, of all the things https://killedbygoogle.com/ over the years, why the domain registrar? The cost to developer trust vs. the cost of ongoing operations – did they not even have that conversation?

Now I imagine how I would've felt to have my registration transferred to – I can't even recall who bought their customers – and I try to imagine putting faith in trusting GCP products with a startup idea, where ostensibly their second-mover advantage could let me move faster in greenfield development ... and I throw my hands up. This is a company acting like it places no value on goodwill, not even from a bare bean counter perspective.

I guess I'll stick to AWS (and more bespoke cloud offerings).

yeah, I'm also very very confused why they sold off Google Domains. I'd love to have flies on the walls for that :/

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