I think that would qualify as ethnic cleansing to some extent, and don't think it would be moral. At the very least countries should be very upfront about their intentions if that is their plan. Imagine if you had to emigrate to China and was forcefully interned in a re-education camp...
Looking at the US, it does just fine integrating different cultures from all over the world. All the problem ethnicities in Europe are gainfully employed model citizens in the US. One should maybe ask what is going wrong in Europe before resorting to extreme measures.
Oh, wow. No, I wasn't referring to ethnic cleansing.
In the US, for example, Hollywood does an excellent job of instilling national pride. Three types of people come to the US:
- Those that are rich and / or well-educated.
- Those that desperately want to be in the US to come illegally.
- Refugees
The wealthy / well-educated are too busy trying to climb whatever ladder they've chosen.
The illegal migrants are too busy working to make ends meet. They don't get much for free - their kids get to go to school, which they're very thankful for.
The above two categories of people came here by choice and want to become American. They aren't a drain on the system, and will add to its wealth.
The US is able to control the inflow of refugees much more than Europe can. The US also has a lot of space to let different cultures and even ethnicities realize their own American dream.
Looking at the US, it does just fine integrating different cultures from all over the world. All the problem ethnicities in Europe are gainfully employed model citizens in the US. One should maybe ask what is going wrong in Europe before resorting to extreme measures.