No one believes the "doctors and engineers" line anymore. That mantra began dying after the 2015-2016 Cologne mass attacks on women, and every new incident since then has reduced its viability. The current pro-Hamas demonstrations throughout Europe are just the latest in a long line of such.
The Mittelstand is certainly not rushing to hire them.
Germany is lacking workers in all types of jobs, from least to most skilled. It's reliant on every type of immigration to fill those positions.
Sure, Germany doesn't particularly need criminal immigrants, but the criminality of immigrants is wildly blown out of proportion by racists, to put it bluntly.
This is corroborated by every statistic on crime. The country has been getting safer ever year for decades. It is also corroborated by looking a little bit into which violent crime specifically becomes highly publicized. There is a lot of attention on (violent) crimes of immigrants, while even gruesome murders of e.g. foreign exchange students by locals don't ever make it further than local news.
I'm German living in Germany, and the "problems" of immigration are a total pseudo-issue. It's 95% bullshit. I've never seen any such problem with my own eyes, yet it's one of the most publicized and discussed topics in this country. It's just strange, and I can't explain it any other way than by racism.
> Sure, Germany doesn't particularly need criminal immigrants, but the criminality of immigrants is wildly blown out of proportion by racists, to put it bluntly.
Thanks. Had a good laugh at that line. :)
I remember that there was an analysis on the criminality of the Syrian refugees during the first wave. The police found that, no surprise, having more people increases the number of total criminal offences, but looking at the data in relative terms it was found that proportionally, Syrians are equally criminal as Germans.
Cologne attacks represent such a tiny fraction of immigrants. It’s like saying that 100% of Norwegian terrorist acts has been carried out by white men, and, therefore, Norwegian white men are all terrorists. Complety stupid.
The muslim generation (of which you can count the majority of immigrants to) is immensely more likely to be socially conservative, be it negative opinions on women's freedom or the acceptance of queer people and the jewish.
Why you think they would change their opinions just because they migrate to western countries is beyond me.
So, should one screen immigrants and only allow queer flag waving liberal progressives from SF in, or what is exactly your point? Many Germans would also not qualify if those were the requirements.
Isn't all of this stuff verging on thought policing?
> No one believes the "doctors and engineers" line anymore.
I always found that line to be rather interesting. German is a very difficult language and hard to master. To go about everyday life as an immigrant, you'll either need to live in a big city or somehow magically master German. Also, large parts of Germany are increasingly known for not being exacyl welcoming for people of non-german descent.
The notion that all people want to come here and highly specialized immigrants will come rushing through the door is kind of arrogant and typically ignorant. Germany is reliant of net-immigration over the coming decades if the economy wants any hope of workforce availability.
> That mantra began dying after the 2015-2016 Cologne mass attacks on women, and every new incident since then has reduced its viability. The current pro-Hamas demonstrations throughout Europe are just the latest in a long line of such.
negativity bias and media coverage are fascinating things. Not to take a way from the severity of the silvester attack, none of the issue you just mentioned is in any way representative of the average immigrant or refugee population. Even the "hamas demos" that received extreme media covereage were fairly small and peaceful on most occasions (also worth mentioning that demonstrating for piece in Gaza is not equal to demonstrating for Hamas, although there were instances).
> The Mittelstand is certainly not rushing to hire them.
That generalized and somewhat racist rant is missing one key factor: they have to and they want to. Birthrates have been in continuous decline since the 70s and now boomers are also about to completely enter their pensions. The dependency ratio for the coming decade(s) is looking bleak. Also, as a result of declining births, you people entering the workforce is very much down. if you want to survive as company, you'll need workers. If you want workers, there is a high chance you'll also have to hire immigrants and refugees. Most companies want this, the remaining hurdle isn't racism or the unwillingness to hire them, it's as always the German bureaucracy
The Mittelstand is certainly not rushing to hire them.