But showing people factory farms, I think, is less likely to make people become vegans than it is to make people agitate for more humane forms of slaughter.
I think it'd do both, and either/both is an improvement. Which is, of course, why factory farms try so hard to disallow their operations from being shown.
Oh, I agree that would be an improvement. I'm just saying most people will get more emotionally distressed by animal torture than about killing animals for food.
But I should admit my bias here: I am not a vegetarian (although I don't eat a great deal of meat either) and so I'm not upset that animals are killed for food. But I get very worked up about animals being tortured whether they're ending up as food or not, so I'm ascribing to "most people" what I feel myself, which is always a bit questionable.
But showing people factory farms, I think, is less likely to make people become vegans than it is to make people agitate for more humane forms of slaughter.