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I hope he said "oh no, not again" since Roger Moore was in a pipe behind a pig in "Diamonds are forever" 15 years before.

> I always remember my friend who works in VFX telling me he spent all week working on James Bond riding a pig. Which gave me some high hopes for the movie!

I think that was Sean Connery in his swansong as Bond.

And, it's not even a pig; it's a rat!

He meets a rat in that scene (with a nice callback to it in the epilogue), but he shorts out the welding pig to attract service personnel to get him out.

Diamonds is a flawed movie and one of the weirdest Bonds, but it's my favourite because it's so weird.

“Baja! I don’t have anything in Baja!”

Or in Pierce Brosnan's "The World is not Enough". They must have liked the whimsy of a pipeline vehicle.

I forgot about this scene and how much fun it was. Here it is for others’ enjoyment: https://youtu.be/9h1zn7l86HA

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